  • 學位論文


The Influence of Elementary School Students’ Life Experience on the Red Imported Fire Ant Issue Teaching

指導教授 : 王順美


本研究旨在探討不同生活經驗程度對學童學習環境議題的影響。學生的生活經驗程度之不同,他們在接受環境議題教學前後的議題認知、議題態度,及議題的行為意向是否不同,以及是否影響入侵紅火蟻議題的學習情況。 本研究採準實驗研究設計,研究對象為桃園縣四所學校共121位四年級學童,其中實驗組二校共58位,學校及附近社區曾有入侵紅火蟻之出現紀錄,另外控制組二校共63位,學校及附近社區不曾有入侵紅火蟻之出現記錄。研究者自行設計入侵紅火蟻課程共兩節課80分鐘,並以自行設計包括議題認知、議題態度與議題行為意向量表之問卷進行學童的量化資料蒐集。在教學過程中全程錄影,並在進行完後測之後,針對部分學童予以半結構式晤談,藉以完成質性資料蒐集。 研究結果顯示: (一)對中年級學童而言,入侵紅火蟻議題教學可在議題認知及議題態度上具有顯著的教學成效。 (二)具備不同生活經驗程度的學童接受入侵紅火蟻議題教學,亦會有不同的教學成效。 (三)學童所接受的課程介入,可能會因本身的學習動機或學童特質而有較為特殊的反應。 (四)教師設計的課程內容,需注意可能引發學童較負面的態度或行為意向。 (五)就學童的背景因素而言,僅在性別方面,學童的議題行為意向在教學前和教學後有顯著的差異。


The purpose of this research is to discuss the influence of children learning environmental issues on different life experience degrees. Learners’ different life experience degrees concern whether the differences of their issue knowledge, issue attitude and issue behavior intention among learning environmental issues as well as the influence on the study situation of Red Imported Fire Ant issue. The method of data collection is based on quasi-experiment design. Objects of the research are 121 fourth grade students of four primary schools in Taoyuan County. For experimental group, there are fifty-eight students in two schools which experienced the invasion of Red Imported Fire Ant at school and nearby community. For controlled group, there are sixty-three students in other two schools which had no invasion record of Red Imported Fire Ant at school and nearby community. The researcher designed two lessons leading to the Red Imported Fire Ant curriculum altogether in eighty minutes. And the collections of the quantification materials are on way of questionnaires which include the questions about issue knowledge, issue attitude, and issue behavior intension. With video- recording of whole teaching progress and the semi-structure interviews to few learners who has taken the exam, the qualification materials are set up. The findings of this study show: ˙For fourth grade students, the teaching of Red Imported Fire Ant issue provide powerful teaching results among issue knowledge and issue attitude. ˙The teaching of Red Imported Fire Ant issue to the learners who have different life experience degrees reveals different teaching results. ˙The involve of curriculum may cause special reactions because of learners’learning motivation and learners’characteristics. ˙Be aware of learners’ negative attitude and behavior intention to the curriculum set up by teachers. ˙In terms of learners’background factors, there are dramatical differences on sexual and learners’issue behavior attention before and after the teaching.


張美惠譯(John Muir 著)(2000)。國家公園之父:蠻荒的繆爾。台北市:張老師文化事業股份有限公司。


