  • 學位論文


Material Flow Analysis of PFCS for the Manufacturing Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李育明
共同指導教授 : 李壽南


近年來因全球暖化所造成的影響日益嚴重,有關溫室氣體減量的議題逐漸受到重視,為了減緩全球暖化現象,1997年12月於日本京都召開的溫室效應氣體管制會議中,決議將CO2、CH4、N2O、HFCS、PFCS及SF6等氣體列為管制項目。相較於傳統產業排放之CO2,製造業所排放的全氟化物(Per Fluorinated Compounds, PFCS)有較高的全球暖化潛勢(Global Warming Potential, GWP),且在大氣中可存活超過千年以上,雖然製造業目前PFCS排放量不高,但加權後之嚴重性不可小覷。 本研究藉由工業生態之觀點,以台灣半導體、TFT-LCD與太陽光電產業為研究範疇,PFCS為探討對象,期盼能建構國內光電製造業PFCS之物質流分析(Material Flow Analysis, MFA)架構,檢視PFCS之投入產出情形,分析其結果提供改善之參考。 結果顯示,2006年台灣地區光電製造業PFCS總排放量為1.6629 MMTCE,半導體產業佔74%,其次為TFT-LCD產業的25%,而太陽光電產業僅佔總排放量之1%。預估2010年台灣地區光電製造業PFCS總排放量為2.6806 MMTCE,半導體產業佔67%,其次為TFT-LCD產業的30%,而太陽光電產業僅佔總排放量之3%。而2020年台灣地區光電製造業PFCS總排放量則為5.3513 MMTCE,56%為半導體產業,其次為TFT-LCD產業的34%,而太陽光電產業僅佔10%。 本研究進一步作情境模擬,考量減量技術進步對於未來PFCS排放之影響,模擬結果顯示八種情境下2010年PFCS排放量較基本情境減少7.67%~29.67%,2020年則可減少20.52%~84.96%。對於半導體、TFT-LCD產業與國際間達成的協議,八種情境下2010年半導體與TFT-LCD產業PFCS排放量仍無法達成。而2020年雖無減量目標,但八種情境均可減少2.2745 MMTCE以上的PFCS排放。


In recent years, the influence of global warming has become much more serious than before. The topic of the reduction of greenhouse gases has been taken seriously through the world. In order to alleviate the global warming phenomenon effectively, the Kyoto Protocol which was adopted in Dec 1997 had made a consensus to lower overall emissions of six greenhouse gases- CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCS, PFCS and SF6. Comparing with the CO2 from traditional industries, the Per Fluorinated compounds (PFCS) from manufacturing industries have greater Global Warming Potential (GWP) and may exist in atmosphere for thousand of years. The amount of PFCS from manufacturing industries is not large right now; however, the weighted impact can not be ignored. The objective of this study was to investigate material flow analysis (MFA) of PFCS within the main semiconductor, TFT-LCD and solar photovoltaic industries in Taiwan, in the aspect of industrial ecology. It was intended to establish the framework for MFA of PFCS in our country and analyze input and output of PFCS for the manufacturing industries. The analysis can provide a full-scale examination and constructive suggestions for improvement. The results show the total PFCS emissions from the electronic manu- facturing industries contribute 1.6719 MMTCE in 2006 in Taiwan. The semi- conductor industry contributes 74% of total emissions, the TFT-LCD industry contributes 25%, and the solar photovoltaic industry only contributes 1%. The study estimates the PFCS emissions from the electronic manufacturing industries will be 2.7494 MMTCE in 2010 in Taiwan. The semiconductor industry will contribute 65% of total PFCS emissions, the TFT-LCD industry will contribute 29%, and the solar photovoltaic industry will contribute 6%. Estimation of the PFCS emissions from the electronic manufacturing industries will be 5.7708 MMTCE in 2020 in Taiwan; the semiconductor industry will contribute 52% of the total PFCS emissions, the TFT-LCD industry will contribute 31%, and the solar photovoltaic industry will contribute 17%. The study also conducts a scenario simulation, and it takes into account the technology progress that affects the PFCS emissions in the future. In eight scenarios, the reductions of the PFCS emissions are 7.67%~29.67% in 2010, 20.52%~84.96% in 2020. The emissions of the PFCS from Semiconductor and TFT-LCD industries can not reached the desired amount in the international agreement in all scenarios in 2010. Even though there are no agreements of emissions for 2020, the emissions of the PFCS will reduce by 2.2745 MMTCE in all scenarios.




