  • 學位論文


A Study on Taipei Residents’ Cognition and Demand for Urban Parks

指導教授 : 錢玉蘭


台北市在公園綠地的發展上,長期存在人均綠地稀少且都市公園分布失衡的問題,近年來甚至面臨都市公園被佔用乃至縮減的窘境,導致其原有的諸多功能因此削減。是故本研究透過問卷蒐集台北市民眾住家附近都市公園的狀況、都市公園的使用現況、民眾所重視與認為應改善的公園功能、民眾對公園的偏好與參與住家附近公園相關事務的意願,以及民眾對公有地被規劃成公園綠地的態度,乃至民眾對未來新闢都市公園的願付價格,嘗試系統化地探討台北市民眾對都市公園之認知與需求。 本研究對於相關文獻的貢獻是透過社經變數、都市公園的使用現況,推估都市公園帶給台北市民眾的效益。由研究結果顯示:每人每年對新闢5公頃都市公園的願付價格是935元,計算出全市民眾的願付價格是2,069,873,080元,也就是平均1公頃都市公園的願付價格是413,974,616元,換算成現行都市公園1年帶給民眾的效益則是522,848,656,687元,另外,比對都市公園1公頃的設置成本36,472,486元∼37,601,954元,則可證明台北市都市公園的經濟效益遠大於其設置成本約12倍。 最終,本研究之目的在於鼓勵民眾參與並關心都市公園的議題,以及對改善現行台北市都市公園的問題與滿足民眾的使用需求,提出更為有效的建議,以提供政府在公園綠地施政上之參考。


In the aspect of the development of urban parks and green land, Taipei city has been faced two problems for a long time. One problem is being short of square meters of green space for each person, the other one is out of the balance in the distribution of urban parks. In recent year, some urban parks even had been occupied and cut their multi-function. Reviewing literature related to demand for Taiwan’s urban park, it is found that researchers often focused on the demand for single park rather than all the parks in a city, and on the recreational benefit for users rather than the external benefits-such as biodiversity conservation, micro-climate adjustment, calamity mitigation-for users and nonusers. Thus, this thesis aims at investigating Taipei residents’ demand for city urban parks, estimating the benefit and cost of urban parks, and shedding light on policies related urban parks. This research is proceeds as follows. First, a survey is conducted to collect information from Taipei residents, including their utilization of urban parks, preference for park functions, willingness to participate affairs related to neighboring urban parks, the attitude towards public land transformed to urban parks and green land, and the willingness to pay (WTP) for building new urban parks in the future. Second, travel cost demand functions and WTP functions are estimated. Finally, the cost-benefit analysis is undertaken for Taipei’s urban parks and green lands as a whole.


Thomas A. More, Thomas Stevens and P. Geoffrey Allen, 1998. Valuation of urban parks: land and urban planning, 15, 139-152.
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