  • 學位論文


Is Independent Administrative Commission Constitutional in Constitution of Taiwan?- Comparison with Independent Regulatory Agencies of America and Independent Administrative Commission of Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳慈陽


獨立行政委員會是我國近年來開始發展出的行政組織,它的發源地在美國,而它的存在使得美國開始關於權力分立原則的再討論,說起獨立管制機構的發展狀況,以及它為何會違憲,本論文從其形成的發展歷史中來探討,如果沒有權力分立原則,那麼獨立管制機構根本無違憲的可能,這二種制度都有其一定之淵源,相較之下,權力分立原則看來似乎歷史較為悠久且行之有年,但實際上並不然,因為在歷史的軌跡上,權力相互監督制衡是不久的事,大部分的權力情形,都是混合的,那麼該如何認為獨立行政委員會因為違反權力分立原則,所以違憲?本文擬由權力分立原則的發展過程談起。 美國獨立管制委員會是一個集行政、立法、司法三權為一體的機構。但它的獨立性是相對且有限的。這引起了獨立管制機關與權力分立原則之間關聯性的討論,也就是說,獨立管制機關的設置究竟有無違反權力分立原則?歐美對於公用事業的管制權力可以通過法院行政機構或獨立的管制機關來行使,美國的獨立管制委員會與最早的西方傳統—議會可以行使司法權、國王可以行使聽審權等,有混合權力的情形,最早的西方傳統允許混合權力,然而到了近代,為了使權力不致於專擅,因此,有了如此之規定,而以權力分立原則來制衡,於是以功能法來反思權力分立原則,發現更能促進其效能,因而有獨立管制機關在憲法上合憲的思考。 動態之權力分立原則概念作一個探討點,目的是想分析現行獨立行政委員會與司法權之間互動關係,以了解較不受政黨輪替之政治因素影響的司法權,是否能夠與我國之獨立行政委員會互動良好,特別是跟新設立的獨立行政委員會之互動關係。縱然司法為反多數決之行使,但是獨立行政委員會有其專業能力時,司法權應如何應對?特別是判斷餘地有無之討論,以及建議之方式。


Form the principle of separation of powers progressed and Independent Regulatory Agencies of America affected, we discovered the administration must consider things from all perspectives.under the principle of separation of powers, the Legislative Yuan, is not precluded from imposing certain restrictions on the Executive Yuan’s power to decide on personnel affairs in respect of members of the Independent Administrative Commissions for purposes of checks and balances.But the purposes of the administration shall be to implement the laws, handle public affairs, shape social policy, pursue well-being for all, and realize the national goals. Due to the complexity and diversity of missions, various departments must be set up in order to implement different tasks individually and separately based on different areas of specialization. However, the diversified offices and positions were not established so that each department could do things in its own way. No matter how the labor is to be divided, it is up to the highest administrative head to devise an overall plan and to direct and supervise so as to boost efficiency and to enable the state to work effectively as a whole. The foregoing is the essence of the principle of administrative unity. The checks and balances as imposed by the legislative power on the executive power in respect of the power to decide on the personnel affairs for an independent agency, in general, are manifested in the restrictions on the personnel’s qualifications, which are intended to ensure the specialization of the independent agency. An agency that dismissed many of the complaints that it issued would stand condemned of having squandered the taxpayer’s money on meritless causes.




李惠宗 (2006),國家通訊傳播委員會組織法違憲性的探討—司法院大法官釋字第六一三號解釋評釋,台灣本土法學雜誌,第86期。
李念祖 (2006),司法院大法官釋字第六一三號解釋評論,台灣本土法學雜誌,第87期。


