  • 學位論文


Taiwan to promote residential building energy certificate system and the effectiveness of carbon reduction

指導教授 : 李堅明


從各研究報告如IPCC AR4 (2007)指出,1970至2004年間建築部門直接排放成長為26%,但建築物具有高用電量,因此直接與間接排放合計為75%。又如IEA (2006)研究顯示全球現有建築物的能源消費超過40%,佔全球CO2排放量24%,因此,IEA於2008年制定25項節能政策,提供各國推動節能政策之參考。IEA(2010)進一步,檢視與追蹤IEA國家推動25項節能政策發現,強制性建築物節能證書(Energy Performance Certification of Buildings )政策執行進展最顯著,平均約可提高舊建築30%能源效率,因此,普遍受到IEA國家的採行,約有七成國家已推動上開措施(IEA, 2011),顯示其重要性。 我國現行有關住宅建築物節能政策僅為綠建築,然而考量目前各類型建築物能源消耗因子及監測機制尚未建構完善,推動綠建築政策仍屬於自願性,因此參與者多為公務部門與大型企業,相對於一般民眾無直接關係且無法直接判別不同建築物之節能減碳成效,造成認同度不高,其達成住宅部門節能減碳成效有限。反觀建築物節能證書(又稱白色證書)可促進新和既有建築物提升節能性能,達到減少能源消耗的關鍵政策工具,因此本研究綜合上述,認為掌握建築物節能的關鍵影響因子,將攸關建築物節證書制度設計,以及建築節能績效。因而建立適當評估模型,釐清建築節能的關鍵影響因子,據此,可作為我國未來規劃建築物節能證書制度設計之參考。


From research reports, such as the IPCC AR4 (2007) pointed out that the construction sector from 1970 to 2004, the direct emissions growth was 26%, but the building has a high power consumption, direct and indirect emissions amounted to 75%. According to another example was the IEA (2006) studies have shown that more than 40% of the energy consumption of existing buildings in the world, accounting for 24% of global CO2 emissions. Therefore in the year of 2008, IEA have established 25 energy-saving policies as the reference for worldwide to promote. Furthermore, IEA (2010), observed and tracked IEA countries to who promoted the 25 energy-saving policies, found the most significant progress of the implementation of the policy were mandatory warrants of energy efficiency in buildings (Energy Performance Certification of Buildings), an average of about 30% energy efficiency can improve the old building, therefore, commonly adopted by the IEA countries, about 70% of the country has been promoting on these methods (IEA, 2011), showing its importance. Existing energy-saving policy for Taiwan residential buildings are only consider as green construction, however, consider the various types of building energy consumption elements are still under-construction and lack system of monitoring mechanisms. After all, to act green building policy are only few organizations who voluntary among large enterprises and official departments. As for the majority of the residential part, it’s resulting in a low degree of recognition in saving energy and reduce the carbon dioxide, consequently reducing the abilities to success the energy saving purpose. On the other hand, energy efficiency permits in buildings (also known as white Warrants / certificates) can promote new and existing buildings to enhance the energy saving performance, and becomes the fundamental policy tool to reduce energy consumption, this studies also summarized that the key influencing factor of building energy-saving will be relevant to the design of the building section, also the building energy efficiency performance. Thus establish a proper assessment model to clarify the key of building energy efficiency impact factor. Accordingly in the coming future, as the critical reference in buildings warrants/ certificates for superior energy efficiency.


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