  • 學位論文


“Is Nursing Education Gender-Free?”—gender issues of nursing students’ studying experiences.

指導教授 : 徐宗國


護理向來被視為是女人的工作,自從男性加入之後,許多關於男護士的研究,大多著重在性別刻板印象,對男性從事護理工作的影響;許多關於男護生的研究,同樣的也著眼於男性求學過程,所受到性別刻板印象的負面影響。至於一直以來被視為是天生的護士,且性別位階較低的女護士/生,其性別對其處境的影響卻鮮少被人研究。 於是本論文透過質性研究法,以性別為主軸,分析男女護生求學過程中,與各式人物互動的經歷,包括老師、學姊、病人或家屬等,以瞭解性別因素對男女護生求學經驗的影響,及其背後所代表的社會意涵。 研究發現,在我們男尊女卑的的社會脈絡下,護理教育環境亦有重男輕女的情形,使男護生在學習過程備受禮遇。而社會對護理的女性化刻板印象,也影響教師及學姊們,對男護生在操作護理技巧的標準上,相較於女護生,有較低的標準。此外,在臨床上,男護生也利用其男性形象的優勢,幫助學姊或同學處理難纏的病人,並被老師們看好未來工作的升遷優勢,甚至被賦予拉抬護理地位的使命。而在實習表現上,男護生也比女護生受到較多的關注和肯定。相較之下,女護生處境,則是更需要護理教育人員的注意,及相關研究者的重視。以期能培育出,不分性別的專業護理人員。


Nursing has always been seen as women’s work. Since the man join in the nursing career, there are many researches about the male nurses and most of the researches are concentrating on how the gender stereotype influences male nurse to do their work. Also, many researches about the male nursing student are concentrating on how the male nursing students influenced by the bad side of the stereotype when they are in school. As far as the female nurses/nursing students with lower social status have always been seen as the nurse by nature, their situations influenced by the gender has few to been researched. Therefore the study is using qualitative research and gender scheme to analyze the process of how the male/female nursing students interacting with all kinds of people in school, including teacher, female nurse, patient and their family, etc. That’s in order to understand how the gender factor influences on the male/female nursing students’ studying experiences and what’s the social meaning it presents. The results of study show that in the male-superiority society, nursing education also has the condition of valuing men and belittling women. Therefore male nursing students have more privileges in learning process. The feminized stereotype about nursing possessed by the society also influences teachers and nurses to treat male nursing student with lower standard of nursing skill than female nursing student. Moreover, in clinical, male nursing student also uses the advantage of male image to help nurses or other nursing students to cope with difficult patients. The teachers also thought that male nursing students have a bright future in getting promoted in the workplace and even give them the mission to level up nursing status. In the performance of practical training, male nursing students also have more attention and approving than female nursing students. By comparison, female nursing students’ situation needs more attention by nursing educators and valued by relevant researchers. Therefore we can educate professional nurses regardless of nurse’ gender.


