  • 學位論文


A Study of Relationships in Building Fire Preliminary Dispatch for Fire Department of New Taipei City

指導教授 : 方鄒昭聰




In fire preliminary dispatch, dispatchers need to gather some dispatch categories information through fire calls until the arrival of fire service. The dispatch categories information will influence individual fire engine to be dispatched. In the past of Taiwan, these dispatch categories were often generated from expert's through relevant meeting, and there had no any literatures applying data analysis on history records to find dispatch behavior between categories and fire engines. The main reason cause above discussion was that past fire case data was stored in the forms of unstructured data, which is difficult for fire department to analysis. The purpose of this study is applying data analysis approach and quantified data to analysis relationships between dispatch categories and the dispatch behavior of whether dispatch fire engine, then compare the similarities and differences between the result of data analysis and the dispatch principle expert set. The study used 2009~2011,totally 3 years fire case data from the New Taipei City, first structured the case data and retained 540 cases data to do data preprocessing, then analysis the behavior of fire dispatch. The analysis can be divided into three parts, the first part aim to understand data structure characteristics of the case, using the order statistics to analyze. Second part is to investigate the behavior about what kind of categorical variables can explain whether to send a type of fire engine, and this was analyzed by logistic regression. The third part use multidimensional scaling analysis to analyze, vehicles have similar dispatch behavior will be considered as the same group, the purpose of this part is to discover basic dispatch fire engine set, rare dispatch fire engine set and other dispatch fire engine set in actual dispatch behaviors. Our research found that the category which can explain the vehicle's dispatch behavior was different from the ruled which generated from expert. Besides, the basic dispatch fire engine sets are water tank and ambulance, while the rare dispatch fire engine sets are fume exhauster truck and fire motorcycle. In addition, others are functional engine set in order to resolve situations in the fire case, and were dispatched with basic dispatch fire engine set. This research is an exploratory study discusses relationships between categories and fire engine in whether to dispatch the fire engine perspective or not. The research designed a way to convert semi-structure dispatch case data into structured data, transformed qualitative data into quantitative data. In practical contribution, the study can help fire department understand internal dispatch behavior and compare the similarities or differences with experts rule set. Furthermore, our research provide a different aspect of analysis to help fire department building fire dispatch system and setting dispatch rule.


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