  • 學位論文


Green Value-A Valuation Point of View

指導教授 : 彭序文


近年來,因人類過度開發產生的環境問題及能源危機,「永續發展」已成為各國共同關心的課題。為順應綠建築發展的國際潮流,我國亦於1999年制定出一套綠建築評估系統。自2000年至2011年1月底為止,獲得綠建築標章之建築共有597件且其案件數量有逐年增加之趨勢。目前國外已有文獻開始關注綠建築估價之議題,但國內有關綠建築之研究仍多著墨於評估系統或建築技術之面向,對於綠建築對不動產價格的影響及綠建築估價方法之探討有限。故本研究欲藉由文獻分析、問卷調查及深入訪談,了解綠建築產生之效益與成本、綠建築對不動產價格之影響及估價方法於綠建築估價之適用。 研究結果顯示,綠建築產生的效益包括直接的經濟效益、間接的社會和心理效益及環境效益。除產生效益外,因綠建築使用一些特殊的材料或設備,可能導致建築成本增加,成本增加之多寡受到綠建築標章等級、採用指標、設計方式及使用材料等因素之影響,並非所有綠建築之成本皆相當高昂。國內約有87%之估價師認為理論上綠建築對不動產價格將產生正面影響,但目前因國內消費者對綠建築仍無明顯偏好,僅有66%的估價師認為市場上會反應出此正面影響,且多數估價師認為其影響程度在10%以內。在估價方法之選擇上,國外認為收益法較適合用於綠建築估價,國內估價師則因成本資料取得容易及以成本法較能反應綠建築與一般建築於價格上之差異,偏好使用成本法。 由於綠建築估價對國內而言屬於較新之議題,估價師在進行綠建築估價時可能遭遇困難,包含不了解綠建築特性對價格影響之程度、比較標的有限及不了解綠建築之專業知識。本研究建議估價師可參考國內、外文獻之研究成果或尋求建築師、營造廠之協助,以增進其對綠建築之認知。此外,臺灣建築中心應將全數的綠建築評定書資料開放現場影印,或由政府統一彙整此資料供民眾閱覽,以解決綠建築資訊不足之問題;不動產估價師公會可將綠建築議題納入教育訓練課程中,做為估價師在職學習之管道。


Recently, sustainable development has become a remarkably worldwide issue. Therefore, Taiwanese government launched a green building rating system called EEWH in 1999. Until January 2011, there were 597 approved green buildings and numbers of approved cases are increasing in recent years. In Taiwan, most papers focus on the rating system or architectural techniques of green buildings while only limited research to date is regarding green building valuation. The purpose of this study is to review the benefits and costs of green buildings, to survey the effect of green buildings on the property price, and to provide suggestions in valuation techniques for appraisers. This study indicates that there are three benefits of green buildings, including direct economic benefits, indirect social and psychological benefits, and environmental benefits. However, the costs of green buildings may be higher. Nearly 66% of domestic appraisers deem that there is a price premium in green buildings. Most of them consider that the price premium is under 10%. While appraisers estimate the market value of green buildings, income capitalization approach is recognized as an appropriate way globally. However, the appraisers in Taiwan prefer the cost approach. This divergence is due to the availability of construction cost in Taiwan. Green building is a new issue to property valuation that valuers encounter difficulties in appraisal. The difficulties include lack of the knowledge regarding green building valuation, limited comparable properties in the market and the shortage of understanding in green buildings. This study suggests that appraisers should improve the understanding of green building by reading papers or cooperating with architectural professionals. In addition, the Taiwan Architecture and Building Center could release the green building information appropriately and the Real Estate Appraisers Association should take issues about green buildings as part of their training courses for appraisers to understand green buildings.




