  • 學位論文


Environmental Assessment of Offshore Wind Power Systems

指導教授 : 李育明


台灣地區為能源高度依賴進口的國家,對於能源之需求越來越大的同時,化石燃料的投入及使用產生大量的溫室氣體排放,面臨能源耗竭與氣候變遷之二大重要課題,然而再生能源具有潔淨及低污染之特性,各國應積極發展再生能源。風力發電即為選項之一,然而陸域可開發風力發電的場址有限、土地取得困難、民眾對風力機組的噪音及陰影閃爍的問題等,促使風力發電朝向離岸發展。因此,本研究以台灣地區建置風力發電離岸系統為對象,探討其環境評估,並進行生命週期評估。 台灣地區建置風力發電離岸系統首要步驟為進行環境影響評估,本研究考量風力發電離岸系統之建置係針對政府訂定政策方案(program)時,針對非特定開發地之開發行為進行整體系統性調查與預測,對其環境狀況、影響環境之因素及其將來可能發生之環境影響進行評估。因此,本研究探討台灣地區設置風力發電離岸系統所需面對之環境議題,包括颱風地震、中華白海豚及人工島嶼議題等。 針對台灣地區未來設置風力發電離岸系統,進行台灣地區風力發電之生命週期評估盤查結果可得,台灣地區利用風力發電離岸系統每發一度電所需之鋼材為2.030-3.226 g、不鏽鋼0.77-0.122g、生鐵0.121-0.192g、玻璃纖維0.125-0.199g、塑膠0.038-0.060g、鉛0.045-0.074g、銅0.033-0.053g、鋁0.027-0.043g、鋅0.057-0.090g、混凝土0.026-0.043g。台灣地區利用風力發電離岸系統之能源投入為83.11-135.36kJ/kWh;CO2排放為3.58-5.64 g/kWh。若從償付期之觀點切入,台灣地區風力發電離岸系統之能源償付期約為0.18-0.29年;排放償付期約為0.13-0.212年。


Taiwan is a country highly dependent on energy imports. While there is still growing demand for energy, Taiwan also faces two important issues. They are energy depletion and climate change caused by use of fossil fuels that produce large amount of greenhouse gas emissions. Countries should actively develop renewable energy since renewable energy is clean and low pollution, and wind power is one of the renewable energy options. However, land can be developed for wind power sites is limited and land acquisition is difficult. Moreover, people tends to against wind power because of the noise and shadow flicker of wind turbine. Therefore, promoting the development of offshore wind power systems is a good alternative. This study discusses the establishment of offshore wind power system, at the same time explores its environmental assessment and conducts its life cycle assessment. The first step for Taiwan to build offshore wind power system is to carry out environmental impact assessment. This study considers the environmental impact assessment of building offshore wind power generation system as the following. An overall and systematic survey and forecast of the current environmental conditions, factors may affect the environment, and possible future environmental impact which should be conducted by the government when formulating policy options (program) for the development of land for non-specific behavior. Accordingly, this study investigates environmental issues that will occur when establishing offshore wind power, including typhoons, earthquakes, Chinese white dolphin, and artificial islands. The Life Cycle Assessment with respect to the offshore wind power systems installation in Taiwan shows that 2.030-3.226g of steel, 0.77-0.122g of stainless steel, 0.121-0.192g of iron, 0.125-0.199g of glass fibers, 0.038-0.060g of plastic, 0.045-0.074g of Pb, 0.033-0.053g of copper, 0.027-0.043g of aluminum, 0.057-0.090g of zinc, 0.026-0.043g of concrete are needed per kWh power generated by wind. The energy consumption of offshore wind power system is about 83.11-135.36kJ/kWh and CO2 emissions is about 3.58-5.64g/kWh. The energy payback time is about 0.18-0.29 years and emission payback time is about 0.13-0.212 years.


