  • 學位論文


Market Pricing and The Disclosure Compliance of The Reclassification Rules for Financial Instruments

指導教授 : 李淑華


2008年全球金融風暴之發生,對各國金融市場衝擊甚大,因此,各國政府除了推出緊急措施穩定金融市場外,更開始檢討公平價值會計之相關規範,因為他們認為公平價值會計是造成目前金融動亂之罪魁禍首。國際會計準則委員會在歐盟龐大之政治壓力下,率先於2008年10月13日發佈IAS 39與IFRS 7之修訂條文,而我國主管機關在與國際接軌之考量下,亦隨後於該年10月17日發佈財務會計準則公報第34號第二次修訂條文,允許金融資產有條件重分類,此新修訂條文並未經正常程序(due process)審議而快速通過,且可追溯至2008年7月1日開始適用。由於此新修訂條文係因應全球金融風暴而產生,且此次追溯適用之會計修訂規定對一般公認會計原則(GAAP)而言,係一項特殊情況。 本研究之目的即針對此次金融資產重分類修訂條文,探討二項議題:一為依新修訂條文採用重分類金融資產公司之實務遵循狀況;二為檢驗股市對金融資產重分類資訊之評價影響。本研究之研究對象於第一階段分析實務遵循狀況時,係以2008年第三季「首次」依新修訂條文重分類金融資產之所有上市櫃公司進行分析;另外,因此次採用金融資產重分類公司主要是以交易目的金融資產重分類至備供出售金融資產之類型為主,故探討第二階段所採用之研究對象,為針對進行此類重分類方式之非金融業上市櫃公司進行檢驗,有效樣本為89家,財務資料涵蓋期間為2007年10月1日至2008年9月30日。本研究以Ohlson評價模型進行多元迴歸分析。本研究實證結果彙總如下: 1.採用金融資產重分類公司之主要重分類類型為將交易目的金融資 產重分類至備供出售金融資產,僅有6家公司有採用其他重分類方 式。另外,所有重分類公司之實務遵循狀況,其結果可區分為兩 類,第一類為適用新修訂條文無影響數者(共計48家),僅有3家 有揭露重分類相關資訊;第二類為有影響數者(共計110家),此 類公司整體揭露狀況良好,但至少有15家公司違反第34號公報之 揭露要求,因此,本文實證結果可提供主管機關參考依據,對於 公司遵循會計規範現況提供回饋價值,並可對公司資訊揭露遵循 更嚴格把關,以利於投資人瞭解金融資產重分類資訊。 2.針對交易目的金融資產重分類至備供出售金融資產之重分類方式 進行實證分析,結果如下: (1)重分類後與倘若未重分類之會計資訊對公司股價之解釋能力 相當接近,分別為0.5365與0.4959。且本研究進行Vuong (1989)Z值檢測之統計結果,發現重分類後之會計資訊對公 司股價之解釋能力優於倘若未重分類之會計資訊。 (2)投資人對於重分類損益影響數之評價異於其他損益要素資 訊。若進一步考慮正負數之盈餘門檻後,將全部樣本區分為 異常盈餘由負轉負組、由正轉正組及由負轉正組等三組樣 本,則僅有由負轉負組中的重分類損益影響數,投資人對其 評價異於其他損益要素資訊。 (3)不論有無考慮盈餘門檻分組測試結果,投資人並未負面看待 重分類損益影響數。因此,本研究發現投資人似乎固著 (fixate)於現行財務報表之盈餘,因重分類後之盈餘較高而 對重分類損益影響數給予正向之評價。


The 2008 global financial crisis made governments start to review fair value accounting. Under European Union enormous political pressure, International Accounting Standards Board did not deliberate through due process but declared IAS 39 and IFRS 7 Amendments quickly on October 13, 2008, allowing reclassification of financial assets. Then the Accounting Research and Development Foundation in Taiwan declared TFAS 34 Second Amendments on October 17, 2008. This is a special and important research issue that this study focuses on. This study discusses two issues on TFAS 34 Second Amendments. First, analyzing the disclosure compliance of the reclassification rules for financial instruments; second, using a sample of non–financial companies that reclassified trading securities to available–for–sale securities and investigating market pricing of the reclassification disclosure information. This study uses Ohlson model to test market pricing of the reclassification amendments. The empirical results are the following: 1. In all 158 reclassification companies, the major type that they reclassified financial instruments is from trading securities to available–for–sale securities. And the disclosure compliance of the reclassification rules can be separated into two groups: one group has no income effects (48 companies), only 3 companies disclose related reclassification information; the other one has income effects (110 companies), the disclosure circumstances of this group is fine, but still, at least 15 companies violated the reclassification rules. 2. The empirical results on a sample of non–financial companies that reclassified trading securities to available–for–sale securities: (1) There is little statistical difference in the explanatory power of accounting information between adoption firms and non–adoption firms of this amendment, and the former is superior to the letter . (2) Investors value reclassification income effects differently from other income components, if considering earnings threshold separates whole sample into three small samples, then only negative to negative sample supports this conclusion. (3) Finally, whether considering earnings threshold or not, investors don’t value reclassification income effects negatively. Therefore, this study finds that investors fixate current earnings and value income effects positively.


10.張仲岳,2008,金融危機 錯在會計?會計研究月刊276卷。


