  • 學位論文


Factors Influence Buyer-Seller Relationships-An Empirical Study of Taiwan Construction Industry

指導教授 : 謝錦堂


「衝突」在買賣雙方交易關係運作中是一個不可避免的環節,當雙方的互動機會變得越多越深入,「衝突」很有可能會因為互相依賴的增加而產生。買賣雙方若無法及時對於雙方間的衝突做出回應,一段關係瓦解的可能性便會增加。因此,在一段關係中「衝突」存在的程度,可以作為評斷買賣雙方交易關係運作是否健康的重要指標。台灣營造業為一傳統型工業,大多人在探討這個產業中影響企業間關係運作時都把重點放在「價格」的傳統經濟因素,但基於現今市場的需求,影響企業間關係的「無形的」因素越顯重要,像是在關係行銷中最常被探討的「信任」、「滿意度」及「承諾」這三個關係因素。因此,本研究主要為想要以「信任」、「滿意度」及「承諾」這三個關係因素與「價格」這個傳統經濟因素了解在一段買賣關係中如何影響關係衝突。 本研究的發現有助於釐清各因素與衝突之間的關係;在管理實務的部分,本研究結果提供買賣雙方一個解決衝突的方法,讓企業間可以降低衝突並減少資源的浪費。 本研究使用SPSS 17.0 及LISREL 8.8 二種統計分析軟體來分析樣本資料。針對樣本進行敘述性統計分析、測量效度分析、驗證性因素分析及結構模型分析。研究結果顯示,滿意度及價格合理性兩個因素對於買賣關係雙方間的關係衝突為負相關。


“Conflict” is an inevitable part in buyer-seller relationships. There is a good chance of possibility that conflict will occur when both parties grow a more intimate and a more interdependent relationship. If both parties cannot respond to conflict in time, a relationship might collapse. Taiwan construction industry is a traditional business, most people focus on “price” this traditional factor while discuss this business, but in today’s market, the “invisible” factors become more and more significant, such as “trust”, “commitment”, and “satisfaction”. Therefore, in this study, we want to get an understanding of how “trust”, “commitment”, “satisfaction”, and “price fairness” these four factors take impact on conflict in a buyer-seller relationship. The finding of this study provides business manager a method to manage conflict, furthermore, reduce the waste of business resources. This study uses SPSS 17.0 and LISREL 8.8 statistical software to analyze our samples. SPSS is for the samples’ descriptive statistical analysis, and the LISREL is for the validity of scale, confirmatory factory analysis and structural equation modeling. The result shows that satisfaction and price fairness these two factors have negative relation with conflict in a buyer-seller relationship.


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