  • 學位論文


A Study on The Implementation Issue of Upholding Discipline in The Army

指導教授 : 顧慕晴


軍紀是軍隊的命脈,而「軍紀維護」是維繫軍隊戰力之泉源,亦是國軍一貫的重要政策,我國軍隊仍是以陸軍為主要作戰軍種,在人員配比上居冠,故在軍紀肇生率上想當然爾,勢必比其他軍種要來的高,然國軍在軍紀維護作業上也訂定各項規則,供各軍種遵辦執行。本研究將綜整並聚焦於陸軍近三年來在軍紀維護執行上,違反軍紀事件經常且具代表性之五種態樣(車禍事件、酒後駕車、逾假未歸、吸食毒品、營外鬥毆)真實狀況,探討發生原因,提出政策建議,達到以下二點目的:一、檢討分析陸軍近三年具代表性軍紀案件態樣,尋找消弭軍紀政策在溝通與資源上執行問題與原因。二、檢討分析陸軍近三年具代表性軍紀案件態樣,尋找消弭軍紀政策在機關結構與執行態度傾向上執行問題與原因。研究方法主要採取資料蒐集法、深度訪談法,最後提出研究結論與建議。 在研究成果方面,本研究發現國防部頒現行的「國軍軍(風)紀維護實施規定」應即時適度做修正;溝通上應摒除官僚作風,去除私人恩怨,建立信任感與良性雙向溝通共識;資源上應補足專業人力並消除階層權位心理,統一檢討預算分配;機關結構上隨著指揮體系組織改變,應修正相關標準作業程序及分工權責,以符合實需;執行態度傾向上應根絕連帶處分作為,建立基層專業人力,以協助軍紀維護執行工作,確保陸軍部隊整體戰力。


Discipline is vital to military troops.The power of keeping military combat capability is to uphold the discipline,an it has been one of our most important policies.Army is the primary combat force in the R.O.C.Army Force.Surely,it has more personnel serving in the Aymy than other services.Therefore,more incidents will likely to be happened.In order to uphold the military discipline,there aye rule and regulations for each service to follow.This study will consolidate and focus on the incidents within these three years in the Army.Base on the true incidents,it can be broken down into five categorues:car accident,driving under influence,leave without authorized,drug abusing and off-base fighting.In order to achieve the following goals,the reasons of these incidents need to be investigated and new policies will be proposed. 1.Review discipline incidents within these three years in the Army,and discover the problem and its reason of current policy(communication and resources). 2.review discipline incidents within these three years in the Army,and discover the problem and its reason of current policy(organization structure and behavior during execution). In this study result,this research discovers that current policy of「Rules andregulations of uphold military discipline」needs to be revised.Ways of communication cannot have bureaucracy.Resentment needs to be removed.A better trust and communication needs to be established within.Professional personned require adequate resources.and everyone needs to respect to each other’s professionals.Budges need to be reviewed and allocated as a whoe.As organization structure progress,standard operating procedure is expectd to be fit in current needs.In the execution behavior,entire body punishment due to single incident should be eliminated.More professional personnel are needs,in order to execute and promote discipline.This is critical of maintaining combat capability.


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