  • 學位論文


A Survey On The Satisfaction Of Taiwan Tourism Bureau Service Quality With E-SQ Dimension

指導教授 : 陳銘薰


觀光產業因其可創造可觀產值和就業機會,成為世界各國和台灣積極發展的新興產業。除了軟硬體建設外,積極發展觀光產業的國家或單位,莫不在國際宣傳和旅遊資訊的提供上推陳出新。其中,各國觀光主事機構的網站因為兼具上述功能,因此相關單位在網站的資訊功能上力求精進,以祈能滿足全球旅客的需求。 本研究根據文獻探討,結合 Zeithaml 等人(2002)提出之 e 服務品質缺口模式(e-Service Quality, e-SQ),並融合國內外多位學者之相關研究,選擇出適合使用於「交通部觀光網站」的「效率」、「可靠性」「符合需求」「隱密性」、「回應」、「酬償」及「溝通聯繫」服務品質七項構面。以了解旅客在使用觀光局網站前之期望服務品質與實際體驗服務品質後之落差,並分析實際體驗服務品質與整體滿意度之影響。 分析發現,網站效率、可靠、履行卅符合需求與聯繫是對於網站使用滿意度影響力最高的四個項目,建議觀光局網站可以從此四個項目著手,透過改善這些項目來提升使用者網站使用滿意度。 分析網站使用族群也發現,距離上次使用網站間隔時間較短、使用頻率較頻繁的使用者,對於網站各項功能的評分與網站使用滿意度均較高,尤其是一年以上未使用過觀光局網站的使用者,對於網站各項功能的評分與網站使用滿意度均顯著偏低,可能因過去使用經驗不佳而不願再度使用網站。建議透過行銷宣傳活動,吸引網友回流造訪觀光局網頁,透過改善後的網頁滿足使用者需求,進而持續瀏覽觀光局網頁。


Tourism has globally become an emerging superstar industry due to the significant output value and job opportunities it could bring. Countries and institutes that proactively develop tourism all try hard to better their international campaign and travel information updates. Among them, the government-managed tourism portal sites that provide above functions to meet visitors’ need all over the world are especially important. This study is based on references such as the “d-Service Quality, e-SQ” by Seithaml (2002) and many other related researches to determine seven dimensions that are adequate to discuss Taiwan’s official tourism portal site, which includes efficiency, reliability, Fulfillment, privacy, response, rewards and liaison, aiming to explore the gap between the visitors’ expectation of the service quality and the actual experience, as well as to analyze influence carried out by the experienced quality and satisfaction. According to the analysis, website efficiency, reliability, Fulfillment and liaison could influence service satisfaction most, so it is suggested that the Taiwan Tourism Bureau should improve its website based on the four metrics. Moreover, when it comes to website users, it is found that users that used the website more frequently and their last visit with shorter interval are with higher satisfaction toward the website, and those whose last visit to the website was at least one year ago are with lower satisfaction toward the website and scored the website functions worse. It is suggested that the Taiwan Tourism Bureau should hold marketing events to attract users to visit the improved new website, meeting visitors’ need and maintaining the high website page views.


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