  • 學位論文


The Energy Conservation Assessment of Energy Benchmark and Investment on Industrial Sector

指導教授 : 李堅明


全球工業革命之後,無論是能源耗用或是二氧化碳排放,皆呈現上升趨勢,全球超過40 %能源消耗在工業部門,台灣雖已逐漸轉型邁向已開發國家,提高服務業的占比,2012年工業部門能源需求占比將近50 %,意謂臺灣有一半的能源使用投入到工業部門,而工業GDP在2012年只佔總GDP約38 %,能源投入與產值不符比例。 能源效率是「無悔策略」,全球無不投入開創綠色工業,降低工業所需之資源。工業部門能源效率的常見政策工具為效率標竿與能源價格。本研究以能源大用戶2012年申報之能源查核資料為樣本,結果顯示法規推動對於金屬基本、非金屬、造紙及電電業四個細產業能源密集度顯著降低。以廠商節能投資行為而言,能源使用量越多,節能投資金額越高;節能投資增加,節能量與節能效益增加;回收年限越短廠商越有誘因投資節能設備;回收年限越長,單位節能成本越低。依現實情況推估,廠商規模越大,投資於節能設備金額越多;電力、燃料煤及外購蒸氣等三項是能源型態是影響廠商節能投資與節能量的最關鍵及最具潛力的能源使用型態;電力化程度越高促使廠商投資更多節能設備,但電力化程度越高,則節能量反而越低;電力化程度越高節能潛力越低。


Energy use and carbon emissions increased after the Industrial Revolution. The industrial sector consumes over 40% energy end-use. Taiwan is transferring to a developed country that the proportion of service sector grows with time. However, the energy demand of the industrial sector was about 50 % in 2012, the industrial sector just contributed 38 % of GDP. Hence this represents that the energy input is unequal to the value of output. Energy efficiency is a”no regret strategy”. Green industry is a global trend; in consequence, the industrial sector needs to decrease the resource use. It’s a common situation that industrial energy efficiency policies are composed of benchmarks and the energy price. This study focuses on the “energy audit annual report for manufacturing industries” which large energy users submit to the Bureau of Energy. The conclutions of this study show that the energy intensity of metal industries, non-metallic mineral products manufacturings, paper mills and paper manufacturings, and computers, electronic and optical products manufacturings decrease significantly after the energy efficiency laws administering. The submission of data from the large energy users shows that as more energy used causes more investment in EE equipment; investing more capital would result in more energy conservation, thus makes more profits; the shorter payback is an incentive to invest; the longer payback leads the unit conservation cost to lessen. In Taiwan, the large-scale companies invest more EE equipment. Electricity, fuel-coal, and purchased steam are the key factors in investing behaviors; the higher proportion of electricity used and the more investment; but the higher proportion of electricity and lower energy conservation potentials.


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International Energy Agency (IEA) (2011), “Progress Implementing the IEA 25 Energy Efficiency Policy Recommendations”, Paris: IEA.
