  • 學位論文


Is Daily Supplies Associated with Brand Experience?

指導教授 : 方文昌


品牌經驗是由與品牌相關的一系列刺激所喚起的消費者主觀的內心反應(感覺、情感、認知)及其行為表現, 這些與品牌相關的刺激物包括產品、品牌設計與識別、包裝、傳播和環境等(Brakus, Schmitt & Zarantonello, 2009)。但以往對於品牌經驗的研究都偏重於高品牌價值、世界500強企業、新科技產品或高端奢侈品牌等,日常用品是否也有品牌經驗並無相關之研究。本研究探討日常用品的品牌經驗與再購買意願之關係,同時加入產品涉入為干擾變數,以期更清楚了解當消費者對於產品的涉入程度不同時,是否對品牌經驗與再購買意願之間的關係會有所差異。本研究以大台北地區曾購買並使用保溫杯的消費者為研究對象,共回收300份有效問卷,並以迴歸分析驗證相關之假說。研究發現有購買並使用保溫杯的消費者,是有品牌經驗的,品牌經驗的四個構面中,尤其以感官、行為與知性對於再購買意願具正向的影響,而產品高涉入對於品牌經驗與再購買意願有正向的干擾效果,但產品低涉入對於品牌經驗與再購買意願有負向的干擾效果。研究同時發現不同品牌對於品牌經驗與再購買意願之影響是不同的。因此建議相關品牌企業,應戮力提供消費者更佳之品牌經驗,並教導消費者更多的產品知識,藉以提高消費者產品涉入程度,如此將提昇企業的差異化優勢,有助於增加消費者的再購買意願。 關鍵字:品牌經驗、產品涉入、再購買意願


Brand experience is consumers’ conceptual responses which are evoked by brand-related stimuli as feelings, sensory, cognitions, and behaviors. These brand-related stimuli include products, brand design and identity, packing, communication and environments. But prior brand experience researches are focused more on high brand value, Fortune Global 500, high-tech products, and high-end luxury brands, etc. There is no research regarding the relations between daily supplies and brand experience. In this study, we investigate the relations between brand experience of consumer products and repurchase intention. We also add product involvement as a moderating effect to examine how the extents of product involvement affect the relations between brand experience and repurchase intention. The findings indicate that consumers who purchase and use thermos cups have brand experiences. Among the four dimensions of brand experiences, sensory, behaviors and intellectuals have greater impacts on repurchase intension. On the other hand, the extents of product involvement have different impacts on brand experience and repurchase intention. The results also show that different brands have different impacts on brand experience and repurchase intention. Finally, based on the findings, the study provides several suggestions for brand managers. Keywords: Brand Experience, Repurchase Intention, Product Involvement


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