  • 學位論文


The status Investigation on the Usage of Social Welfare Services and Resources of Autism Family in Taipei

指導教授 : 王華沛博士


國立臺北大學 99學年度第2學期碩士學位論文提要 論文題目:臺北市自閉症者家庭應用社會福利服務資源現況之調查論文頁數:122頁 所 組 別:社會工作系(所) (學號:79374006 ) 研 究 生:周 錦 淑     指導教授:王華沛博士 論文提要內容: 本研究旨在了解臺北市自閉症者家庭應用社會福利服務資源現況與滿意度。並分析自閉症者與其家庭在不同變項應用社會福利服務資源滿意度的差異情形。本研究運用調查研究法,採自編「臺北市自閉症者家庭應用社會福利服務資源現況調查問卷」為研究工具,針對臺北市自閉症者家庭採用隨機抽樣方式,透過臺北市自閉症家長協會取得樣本,以郵寄方式寄出問卷150份,回收有效問卷114份。 問卷所得資料以次數分配、百分比、卡方分配等統計方法進行分析。 本研究之發現,歸納出下到結論: 一、本研究根據自閉症者家庭在應用社會福利服務資源現況調查,計有下列幾點發現: (一)家庭在應用社會福利服務資源最多的是『醫療』資源服務,其次依序排是『早期療育』、『諮商輔導』、『日間照顧』、『就業福利』。 (二)自閉症者家庭在應用社會福利資源時滿意度最高的是『早期療育』資源服務,滿意度最低的則是『醫療』資源服務。 (三)應用社會福利資源不滿意原因研究發現因「等待時間長,療程短」與服務「離家很遠」是兩個主要的原因;「服務內容不符合需求」,「費用太高」,此反應公費資源提供不足,自費的資源服務對於收入小康家庭,造成負擔;應用者就會考慮是否負擔得起,而不是需要不需要的問題;「掛號不易」在『諮商輔導』與『醫療』均呈現不滿意程度;「服務專業技術訓練不足」在『早期療育』、『日間照顧』、『防治家暴』、『諮商輔導』均呈現不滿意程度。 二、自閉症者與其家庭在不同背景變項應用社會福利服務資源滿意度之差異情形 (一)自閉症者對社會福利服務資源應用滿意度之差異情形,在不同障礙程度自閉症者僅在應用「日間照顧」社會福利資源的滿意度上有顯著差異存在;在不同就學階段僅在應用「就業福利」社會福利資源的滿意度上有顯著差異存在。 (二)自閉症者家庭對社會福利服務資源應用滿意度的差異情形,在不同收入狀況、不同子女數、父親的教育程度三變項應用社會福利資源的滿意度均未達顯著性差異;在母親的教育程度的變項中,應用社會福利服務資源滿意度的差異情形,在早期療育及全日照顧二個項目的滿意度都達顯著差異。 三、不曾應用社會福利資源的原因: (一)「早期療育」的原因,多數是因早期尚未提供服務;少數是因資訊缺乏造成太晚鑑定、錯過早療時期的關鍵期;有些因排不上公費而無能力負擔自費課程;「醫療」的原因,最多是因排隊排不上,醫療服務供不應求等原因。 (二)「防治家暴」、「低收入戶」、「全日照顧」、「日間照顧」、「諮商輔導」不曾應用的原因都以無此需求為最多。 (三)「就業福利」是因尚未有此需求,因將近八成的受訪子女還在就學中,是因收費太高,不考慮而不曾應用,然而有人是因障礙程度無法達到能利用該資源程度而無法就業。 根據研究結果提出建議,作為社會行政機構、自閉症者家長以及後續研究者之參考。 關鍵詞:自閉症者;社會福利服務


ABSTRACT The status Investigation on the Usage of Social Welfare Services and Resources of Autism Family in Taipei by CHOU,CHIN-SHU August 2011 ADVISOR(S): Dr.WANG,HUA-PEY DEPARTMENT: SOCIAL WORK MAJOR:SOCIAL WORK DEGREE: MASTER OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Body of abstract starts here. The purpose of this study is to understand the usage of the social welfare services and resources by autism families and their satisfaction, and therefore to analyze the differential satisfaction by various aspects of social welfare services and resources. This study adopts the method of field survey, and implements a self-designed questionnaire called「Questionnaire for Status Investigation on the Usage of Social Welfare Services and Resources by Autism Family in Taipei」; Applied with random sampling method, 150 sample families were randomly selected from Taipei Parent Association of Autism , and they were mailed an associated questionnaire. 114 valid questionnaires were returned. With the approaches of data frequency, percentage, chi-square distribution and other statistical methods, the questionnaire data were studied and analyzed. Conclusion : A. Based on the status investigation on current usage of social welfare services and resources, the findings are: a.The most utilized service by autism families is『medical』 service, and the next are『early treatment』,『consultation』,『daycare』,『employment benefits』, respectively. b.The most satisfied service by autism families is 『early treatment』 service, and the most dissatisfied one is 『medical』 service. c. The two main reasons for being not satisfied are 「a long waiting time for short treatment」,「too far from home」. Besides, reasons「services not meet the demand」 and 「too expensive」 imply the deficient public funds, and co-pay burden on well-off families. Users rather consider the affordability of service than their needs. 「Not easy to register」 is a dissatisfied factor in both『consultation』 and 『medical』services;「Inadequate training in professional skills」 shows a degree of dissatisfaction in all 『early treatment』,『daycare』, 『domestic violence prevention』, and『consultation』 services. B.Difference in satisfaction in various social welfare services and resources due to background factors of autistic persons and their families: a. Autistic persons to do with their application of social welfare services and resources- There are only two significant differences in satisfaction, 1) people with different spectrum of disorders have different satisfaction in 『daycare』 services, and 2) people within different education stages have different satisfaction in 『employment benefits』 service. b.Autism families to do with their application of social welfare services and resources- There is no significant difference in satisfaction for families with 1) different incomes, 2) different children numbers in households, and 3) different levels of father’s education. However, the satisfaction differs significantly in both 『early treatment』 and 『daycare』 services accordingly to the level of mother’s education. C.Reasons for social welfare services and resources not being applied: a.Reason for 『early treatment』 service not being applied: mostly due to its unavailability in early time; secondly due to the lack of information, which causes belated identification or to let slip the crucial chance for early cure. Some cases are due to the unaffordable co-pay expenses without government financial aid. Reasons for 『medical』 service not being applied: mostly due to not able to get in the line for short supply. b.Same one reason applicable for 『domestic violence prevention』,『low-income households』,『full-time care』, 『daycare』, and 『consultation』services not being applied: no such need for majority. c.Reasons for 『employment benefits』service not being applied: nearly 80% of the respondents are in school and show no need; some cases are due to high fee for starting the application,and some do not meet the qualification for the jobs. Based on above findings, some recommendations are made to provide as reference for social welfare administrators, autism parents, and those who will continue the study in this domain. Keywords: autistic;social welfare service




