  • 學位論文


A Study of Foreign Investment Strategy in Taiwanese Electric Wire and Cable Industry

指導教授 : 晁成虎


近幾十年來,傳統製造產業一直扮演著帶領台灣經濟前進的火車頭角色,也帶動國家整體經濟的向前邁進。但是基礎建設產業在台灣地區的生存空間逐漸地被壓縮,再加上中低階產品進入衰退階段、全世界各區域市場的貿易結盟及台灣加入世界貿易組織後的外來競爭,已讓電線電纜產業面臨著前所未有的經營危機。為此,電線電纜產業不僅在產品研發上積極投入相關資源,並且對於人力資源的培訓要求已較以往為高,同時也為全球佈局作一較為全面且完整的思考及規劃。 本研究主題是以電線電纜產業國際投資為發展主軸,首先針對國內外各大型電線電纜廠商在全球市場的佈局趨勢,作一較為完整的分析,並且整合出電線電纜產業為求永續經營及面臨全球化競爭的情況下,尋找第三地設立據點的考量模式及要素。電線電纜廠商必須隨時思考規劃往後的經營方向,以因應未來經營環境的不斷改變。對於該產業分析主要鎖定國際投資之相關議題及本業以外的投資方向,再加上其他產業對外投資所考慮之要素,進行初步的電線電纜產業國際投資之研究。 再者,針對國內已前往海外設立據點的廠商進行深度訪談,藉以了解該公司前進海外據點的動機及評估要素為何,同時對於個案公司目前於大陸地區及東南亞國家設立據點的國際投資模式作驗證,希望能夠找出電線電纜產業前往海外設立據點的成功模式。 對於各海外據點的整合輔以供應鏈管理,包含母公司在內,將整個企業集團之資源互通有無,使得集團可利用資源的使用價值發揮最大,最後,對於個案公司未來國際投資的發展策略提出規劃之相關建議。


During the period of five decades, traditional manufacturing industries not only play a key role to keep Taiwan economy forward but also lead the country economy progress. Nowadays, preliminary constructions seem to be omitted, middle & low rank products are in regression and competition situations covering other countries’ alliance in trading and WTO joining. Electric wire & cable industry is encountering the business crisis that has never met. To solve this issue, this industry not only inputs all the related resources to field of research and development, but also upgrades the request of human resources. Meantime, global planning and layout are also in process. This paper is based on the foreign investments of electric wire & cables industry. First, the global layout of major companies of electric wire & cable will be analyzed to find out the model and key factors of establishing the sites in the third location for keeping business long term running. Electric wire & cable industry has to think and plan the direction of business all the time to face the changing environment of business running. As for industry analysis, the international investments issue and the direction of this industry are key issues. In addition, we also refer other industries to study the international investments of electric wire and cable industry. Furthermore, this paper develops an empiric model for its international investments in China and South East Asia region. Both interview and experience of evaluation are adopted to find out the successful model. Based on the idea of supply chain management, whole enterprise group is capable to interchange the internal resources to reach the optimum in value.


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