  • 學位論文


The investigation of influential factors to the graybeard for using TV shopping

指導教授 : 林清泉


因為「少子化」、「高齡化」的社會現象來臨,世界各國都有面臨人口老化的情況,每個青壯勞動人口所要負擔的老年人口愈漸增加,台灣又是在世界上老化的人口僅次於日本的國家,從經濟、社會、政治各方面莫不因為銀髮族的增加而提出相關因應之道。而且這群戰後嬰兒潮的老年人口,並不像過去的老年人刻板印象,對於與社會連結興趣缺缺,他們掌握了財富,擁有相當的消費能力,對於社會化活動更為活躍,對於商業與社會活動更積極的他們也造就出了龐大的商機,為了因應銀髮族的消費需求,各企業也相繼提出合適的商品與通路,希望能在這波商機中獲利並且透過這些方式來照顧到銀髮族的需求。 還有近年來購物通路相當發達,各式各樣便利消費者購物的通路比比皆是,電視購物就是其中之一。幾家知名的集團企業便提出以電視購物的方式來方便消費者了解商品進而購得商品,由其獲利的情況可以得知這種購物的方式的確有潛在的需求。而且在消費者類型當中可以發現現在的上班族,還有很多這類沒有時間購物的群體,像是單親家庭的父母、工作時間不易固定的行業、當然還有行動或生活上不便於逛街購物者等等,這些群體都因為電視購物的便利而獲得更好的生活品質。所以本研究以電視購物對銀髮族的影響作為研究主軸,希望能了解電視購物播放時的各項因素對銀髮族的影響以及感覺,以便於設計更符合他們收看的購物頻道,讓他們能更快速地享受這種方便的購物通路。 本研究以發放問卷的方式來蒐集資料,輔以統計軟體spss10.0來統計資料,將問卷中的問項與填答結果中有顯著影響的因子加以表列,呈現相關意義,提出結論與建議。


As the society situation of 「few birth」and「old aging」 coming, every country has to face the ageing situation all over the world. The prime of life must load more and more greybeard per one. Taiwan is the second ageing country in the world, just gets behind Japan. Therefore, in economy, society and political aspects, the government brings up a lot of ideas to handle the increasing of greybeard. This “baby boomer”group is not like the old person past, getting the impression of lacking the interests to link to society, on the other hand, they own wealth and have the consuming ability quite a lot and play an enthusiastic part in society activities. They create a huge commercial opportunities. To answer the consuming need of greybeard, several enterprise purpose some more suitable goods and approach in succession. He hope can get profit in this wave of commercial opportunities and takes care of the group of greybeard. Moreover, shopping channel is quite rising in recent years, all kinds of shopping channel are developed to make convenience to consumers, and TV channel is one of them. So some famous group-business purpose TV shopping way to let consumers get goods information easily and shop convenient. We can understand this kind of way for shopping is really hiding consuming need from his profit information, and we can detect that in the type of consumer, there are working group without time to shop, a single parent family, unfixed working time worker, and moving inconvenient people so on and so forth. These groups get better live quality because of the convenience of TV shopping, so this investigation uses influential factors of the graybeard in TV shopping to be the main subject to get the information of the feeling of greybeard when channel broadcasting. The intention is to design the TV channel more suitable and let them enjoy the convenient shopping approach. This investigation is used the way of questionnaire to get data, and with statistic software spss10.0 to count the data, making into a list of the remarkable influential factors from question items and answer outcome of the question papers, showing related meaning and bringing up the conclusion and suggestion.。


greybeard TV shopping shopping approach old aging few birth


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