  • 學位論文


A Study on Evaluation of Training Effects With Potential Energy Developed

指導教授 : 李文瑞


人類的潛能奧秘,其實是存在於變性意識(Altered States of Consciousness;簡稱ASC)裡面,如何開發人類潛能,使員工腦力智慧充分發揮極致,在知識經濟強調創新的環境裡,將凸顯其重要性。面臨日益競爭的激烈環境與全球化經營佈局的趨勢,企業應如何開發主管與員工的洞察力與創造力潛能,將是企業經營中另一項重要的任務,而此方面的努力,卻鮮少人注意。本研究將開發潛能的基礎理論,包括視覺暫留原理、單點凝視法、意象原理、激光攝影理論等,結合台灣大學校長李嗣涔教授的「共振態 /入定態」理論,以及日本學者七田真教授所喚醒松果體的方法,及右腦的能力有E.S.P.(Extra Sensory Perception)能力、意象能力,以學者Kirkpatrick的四層次評估模式來探究出來的反應、學習、行為的成效,並以100位巳上過課的學員做問卷調查對象,研究受訓學員的個人特質與訓練成效的相關分析,得到評估的結果如下:一、確實可深層放鬆降低壓力,二、可幫助學員工從消極負面狀態扭轉為積極正面的狀態,三、可幫助學員能運用達到真正深層放鬆而能夠提昇解決問題的能力,四、能依所學來提昇工作效率。


The secret of Potential energy of human being is actually exists in the Altered states of consciousness brief called(A.S.C.), how to developed human potential energy, causes the staff mental ability wisdom full display acme, In the time of the knowl-edge economy emphasized that is in the environment of innovation, is stands out its importance. Confronted with, the competition increasingly of the intense environment, and with the globalization of managing layout tendency , the enterprise should how develop the director and staff's insight and the creativity potential, will be the enterprise manages another vital duty, but the effort of this aspect will be paid attention by the few person .This research will develop the potential the basic theory, including the persistence of vision principle, the simple point staring at law, the image principle, Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation and so on, will unify Taiwan University Principal Professor Dr Si-Chen Lee “resonating state /to enter the stationary state” the theory, as well as Japanese professor Dr Shichida will really awaken the pineal gland the method, and right brain ability will have E.S.P. (Extra Sensory Perception) ability, image ability, by the scholar Kirkpatrick four levels evaluation of the model inquired into the response, the study, the behavior result, and the student who has attended class by 100 makes the questionnaire survey object, the research receives training student's individual special characteristic and the training result correlation analysis, obtains the evaluation of result to be as follows: First, may in-depth relaxation depressurize truly, two, may help the student labor from the negative thinking condition reverse for the positive positive thinking condition, three, may help the student to be able to utilize in-depth relaxes truly, and to being pro-moted to the resolution of the question of ability, four, can depend on studies pro-motes the working efficiency.


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