  • 學位論文


A Study on Intention to Use Network Assisted Teaching System - a National University Example

指導教授 : 吳昌憲


在網路普遍、資訊科技發達的推波助瀾之下,校園師生的教與學已不再侷限於課堂之內,各大學為了提昇教學品質,莫不建置網路輔助教學系統作為課堂以外的教學輔助工具,該系統提供老師與學生從事更多非傳統的教學互動。然而,在投入大量人力、財力、物力建置網路輔助教學系統之後,系統使用率卻不如預期。因此,瞭解影響網路輔助教學系統使用意願的因素,藉以促進系統利用效能是本研究致力探討的重要議題。 本研究參考過去文獻,以解構計畫行為理論為主,納入資訊系統成功模式及其他相關理論,建立本論文研究架構。實證部分則以某國立大學所建置之網路輔助教學系統為驗證系統,並以該校師生作為對象發放研究問卷,回收有效問卷計401份。再利用統計分析方法進行資料分析,目的在探究師生使用網路輔助教學系統意願的影響因素,並針對分析結果提出可行的改善建議。 研究結果顯示,對網路輔助教學系統的使用者而言,系統品質對資訊滿意度、資訊品質對資訊滿意度、服務品質對資訊滿意度、同儕影響對主觀規範、上下級影響對主觀規範、自我效能對知覺行為控制、便利條件對知覺行為控制、資訊滿意度對使用意願、主觀規範對使用意願、知覺行為控制對使用意願,皆具有顯著相關性。最後研究者根據研究結果加以討論並對提高使用者意願提出建議: 1.在系統方面,提昇軟硬體等級、提供新而正確的消息、對錯誤訊息進行立即性的引導,可以增加資訊滿意度,進而提高使用意願。 2.在社群方面,上下級關係的影響明顯高於同儕關係的影響,要提昇整體系統使用意願,必須先提昇教師系統使用意願。 3.在個人方面,首重教育訓練及說明文件的製作,提昇系統使用者自我效能,有助於使用者維持並提高使用意願。


Under the trends that internet gets more popular and IT technology becomes more advanced, the teaching and learning has been not only limited to the curriculum part anymore. To enhance the teaching quality, each university makes efforts to set up the network assisted teaching system as the teaching aid beyond the curriculum. Hopefully it could bring the teachers and the students more nontraditional interactions. Nevertheless, after investing lots of human resources, money, and material resources, the utilization rate of the system is not high as expected. Therefore, to understand the factors affecting the use intention of network assisted teaching system is the vital issue that this research aims to discuss in order to improve the efficiency of the system. According to the past literature, this research was mainly based on the decomposed theory of planned behavior and adopted the information system success model as well as other relevant theories to construct the research framework. In the practical experiment part, the network assisted teaching system of a national university was taken as the identified system. The questionnaires were handed out to the teachers and the students at that school with 401 of them being valid. The statistic analysis method was performed on questionnaire result to investigate the factors that affected the use intention of network assisted teaching system for the teachers and the students. Then, the feasible suggestions were provided for improvement based on the analysis results. The research results showed that, to the users of the network assisted teaching system of the university, there are significant relationships between the system quality and the information satisfaction, the information quality and the information satisfaction, the service quality and the information satisfaction, the peer influence and the subjective norm, the higher level or lower level influence and the subjective norm, the self-efficacy and the perceived behavioral control, the facilitating conditions and the perceived behavioral control, the information satisfaction and the use intention, the subjective norm and the use intention, the perceived behavioral control and the use intention. Last, the suggestions were provided as below based on the research results and the status of the system to raise the users’ intention. 1.In the system part, it could increase the information satisfaction and raise the use intention by upgrading the software and the hardware, providing latest and right information, and correcting the false messages instantly. 2.In the community part, the higher level or lower level influence was significantly higher than the peer influence. Therefore, to raise the use intention of the whole system, it is necessary to raise the teachers’ use intention. 3.In the individual part, it is focused on the educational training and the production of the instruction documents to raise the users’ self-efficacy. It could help the users maintain and further increase their use intention.


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