  • 學位論文


An Improvement Study of Product Technology Innovation by Applying TRIZ and Axiomatic Design Theories

指導教授 : 翁豊在


在全球化經濟日益蓬勃發展下,傳統產業面臨嚴苛的挑戰及競爭壓力,以致產品的技術創新愈顯重要,而創新過程的關鍵就在於如何使設計者能夠產生具有創新性的思維及解決方案,由於TRIZ理論能夠提供創新研發方向,因此,頗受到高科技產業研發的重視,未來TRIZ理論之發展將漸受重視及關切。 TRIZ乃是一套有系統的產品創新研發方法,本研究利用TRIZ設計太陽能電池飛機及省力自行車兩種案例,然後藉由TRIZ工具與公理設計理論的整合應用,使設計者能提出設計思考的方向,以利於解決設計上的衝突及矛盾,期能有系統的啟發創造性的想法。另以敏捷製造理論說明,在促進縮短產業製造過程中的作業時程,配合利用資訊科技方法,透過快速配置各種資源,以有效和協調方式產生一種管理策略,使產業能在快速變化的市場環境中取得長期效益。因此,本研究結合TRIZ理論、公理設計理論與敏捷製造這三種技術方法,期能有效創造符合需求的設計規格與具高度市場競爭力的產品。 隨著產品之開發,由於專利權具有排他性,使專利爭議層出不窮,對於專利爭議技術與創新路徑之判斷,在應用上必須考慮引證資料是否存在與系爭專利所要解決之問題,以符合專利分析架構,亦即具有相同之問題,在引證資料與系爭專利對於推論技術創新之途徑較有助益。產業為保有競爭優勢,一方面可以透過專利訴訟維護自身權益,另一方面,若能針對專利現況進行分析,並結合迴避設計方法,將可以縮短本身研發時間與減少成本支出。本研究希望在系爭專利及引證資料之比對中,找出實質差異所在,並結合TRIZ理論,就系爭專利所要解決的問題,發現可能之創新途徑及方法。


With the growing globalized economic developments, traditional industries are facing the harsh challenges and competition pressure, so that the technical innovations of products become more important. The key of innovation process is how to enable the designers to create innovative thinking and solutions. Because TRIZ theory can provide innovative R&D perspectives, it therefore draws the attentions from the high-tech industries in the technical evolution and the developments of TRIZ theory in the future are getting the attentions and concerns. The TRIZ theory is a systemic method for product innovation and development. In this study, the TRIZ was applied to design two examples of the solar cell airplane and the labor-saving bicycle and it enabled the designers to propose the thinking process of design with the integrated applications of TRIZ tools and axiomatic designs to solve the conflicts and contradictions in designing. It was hopefully to inspire the innovative ideas in creativity systemically. Besides, the explanation of the agile manufacturing promotes the shortening of operation schedules in industrial production processing. It generates a management strategy with the use of information technology, fast distributions of various resources and effective as well as coordinative ways that enables the industry to get long-term benefits in the environments of the rapid changing market. Therefore, the TRIZ theory, the axiomatic design and agile manufacturing were integrated in this study and were hopefully to create effectively the products that meet the design specifications of customers’ requirements and the high competition in the market. With product development and due to the exclusivity of the patents, the patent disputes always occur repeatedly. For the judgments of patent disputing techniques and innovative paths, it should consider whether the data cited have the problem to be solved in the disputed patent to comply with the patent analysis framework. That is, with the same problem in data citation and in disputed patents, more helpful in deducing innovation ways of technology. In order to maintain the competitive advantages, industries can on the one hand maintain their benefits through patent litigations. On the other hand, if they can do the analysis about the patent status and integrate design around method, it will shorten the time for R&D and reduce the costs. With this study, we hope to find out the substantial differences in the comparisons of disputed patent and cited data, and find out the possible innovative ways and methods for the problems need to be solved for disputed patents with the integration of TRIZ theory.


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