  • 學位論文


The Impact of Using e-Learning Systems on Teachers' Professional Development in Elementary and Junior High Schools

指導教授 : 吳純慧


時代變遷、教育環境的改變,教師專業發展已成為社會關注的焦點。隨著網際網路的普及與政府相關單位對數位學習的重視,數位學習系統已成為目前教育訓練、專業成長最方便的管道。教師如何透過現有的數位學習系統進修,以增進教師專業發展,提升教學品質,已是身為現代教師不可或缺的權利與義務。 本研究結合DeLone和McLean所提出的資訊系統成功模式與Venkatesh 等人的整合型科技接受模式,再加入「求知興趣」與「時間因素」二個構面,探討國中小教師使用數位學習系統對教師專業發展之影響。 研究對象為台北地區與雲林縣具有教育部數位學習平台使用經驗之國中小教師,共計抽樣國中小教師420位,以紙本問卷來進行調查。總計收回問卷382份,其中有效問卷335份,無效問卷47份。問卷回收率約為91%,有效回收率達79.8%。利用SPSS統計軟體作為進行資料分析的工具,以因素分析、信效度分析、迴歸分析方法等加以分析與驗證,研究結果如下: 1.績效期望、求知興趣、時間因素、社會影響、使用滿意度對數位學習系統的使用意願有顯著的影響。。 2.數位學習系統的系統品質、資訊品質、使用意願對使用者滿意度有顯著影響。 3.數位學習平台的使用意願與使用者滿意度對教師專業發展有顯著的影響。 根據研究發現與結論,針對數位學習系統提出以下幾點建議: 1.提供符合使用者績效期望與求知興趣之多樣化數位學習課程,使課程內容能引起使用者之學習興趣,提升使用意願。 2.建構完善高品質之數位學習系統,以提高使用者滿意度,進而提升使用意願,增加對系統之實際使用。 3.規劃以教師專業發展內涵為基礎之課程內容,增加使用者滿意度及使用意願,促進教師專業發展。


As a result of the changes of time and educational environment, the teachers’ professional development has become the focus of social notice. Following generality of internet and attention of the related governmental units, e-learning system has become the most convenient method for education training and professional development. How to promote teachers’ professional development and the teaching quality through the existent e-learning system has become teachers’ necessary right and obligation. Based on the information system success model and the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology, an integrated research model including two important factors (interest and time) was conducted to explore user intention and user satisfaction towards the e-learning Service Center of Ministry of Education and their subsequent variable, teachers’ professional development. A survey was distributed to elementary and junior teachers who were teaching in Taipei and Yunlin County. The subjects were chosen because they had experience using the e-learning Service Center of Ministry of Education. After factor analysis, simple linear regression and multiple regression analysis were employed to examine our research model with SPSS statistical software. The results showed the following relationships among constructs in the research model. 1. Performance expectation, interest, time, social influence, and user satisfaction have significant influences on user intention towards the e-learning Service Center. 2. System quality, information quality and user intention towards e-learning Service Center have significant impacts on the satisfaction of the users. 3. User intention and user satisfaction for the e-learning Service Center have significant influence on teachers’ professional development. The findings confirm the expected results, but show system quality and information quality will not significantly influence on user intention. According to research results, some suggestions and future direction were proposed.


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