  • 學位論文


Factors Influence Impulse-Buying Behaviors on Online Shopping

指導教授 : 梁直青


衝動性購買行為在消費者的日常生活中是非常普遍的。由於現今網際網路的普及,致使現代人的消費習慣由實體轉向虛擬化商店,也因為網路購物的方便特性而促使衝動性購買行為的發生。但造成消費者產生衝動性購買行為的成因,以及這些成因能否制定出合適的行銷策略,進而提供給企業實體上的幫助,值得進一步探究。本研究將以外在刺激、情境因素、個人特質、從眾、與知覺風險等五面向發展研究架構,並據此發展與設計問卷。且為了能更有效的了解消費者在填寫問卷時內心的真實想法,所以納入模糊語意問卷作為施測工具,以確實了解消費者實際的答題傾向。本研究共回收有效問卷464份,問卷有效回收率92.8%。研究資料分析係採用信、效度分析、驗證性因素分析與集群分析,藉以說明本研究在不同衝動性購買上與各構面之間的關係。 研究結果顯示,藉由集群分析將研究樣本區隔成「外部影響群」與「情境影響群」,檢定結果顯示,不同網路衝動性購買集群於「外在刺激」、「時間與預算」、「心情」、「團體認同」、「推薦資訊」與「知覺風險」上均有顯著差異。再以驗證性因素分析檢定修正後結構模式,其適切性與實際樣本資料達到良好的契合度。最後,本研究將針對研究結果與發現提出管理意涵與討論,以作為網購服飾業者未來執行方向與行銷策略之參考。


Impulse-buying behavior is a very common situation, due to the fast growth of e-commerce, consumers can purchase conveniently. If the causes of the impulse of customers purchase on the Internet could be found, the company can develop strategies and influence customer’s impulse-buying behaviors. This study aims to explore the impulse-buying factors through external stimulation, situational factors, personal characteristics, conformity, and perceived risk. To find the impulse-buying behaviors on the Internet, this study adopted fuzzy method to explore customer’s uncertain decisions. This study will use Reliability and Validity Analysis, Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and Cluster Analysis. The survey data collection process resulted in 464 valid responses (the response rate is 92.8%). The results showed that the questionnaire is with good reliability and internal consistency. By using factor analysis, this study found that divides the customer’s impulse buying behaviors into two clusters and named as followed: “external influence” and “situational influence” type. The outcome of the study, different customer’s impulse buying behaviors had significant on the external stimulation, situational factors, conformity, and perceived risk. Based on research results, we further developed the measurement to discuss the factors affecting consumer’s impulse buying behaviors and tries to provide idea of marketing and promotional strategies for firm in the e-commerce industry. Finally, this study adopted fuzzy semantic questionnaire as the measuring tool, it might reduce the responding rate of the survey.


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