  • 學位論文


Discussion of the fluorescent paste on the effect of yield and productivity

指導教授 : 陳文瑞


白光LED的產品在應用時,若局部LED顆粒的色度與亮度不同會產生色差,此問題起因於在白光發光二極體的量產製程中,因批次生產造成時間上的延遲,以及治具吐膠方式的不同,影響螢光粉沉降速率的快慢,致使生產產品色度不均,因此在進料時都希望每顆LED晶粒都具有相同規格,這樣比較容易將色度控制在某一範圍內,並維持一定的生產良率,但這樣做會造成成本增加。 本論文主要探討膠材加入螢光粉後,因重力因素的影響進而造成LED CIE的偏移。雖說縮短時間可以減少差異,但相對會造成生產成本增加,或導致無法大批量生產。為了解決此以一CIE偏移問題,且在不影響目前的生產作業流程下,評估提升膠材黏度、加入抗沉降劑、調整烘烤參數等不同製程方式,藉以達到抗沉澱,提升量產的良率。


螢光粉 抗沉澱 膠材黏度


In the application of the white LED product, if the local LEDs have different hue and brightness, it will cause chromatic aberration. This problem arises in the production process of white light-emitting diode. Because the batch production caused delay time, and spit gum fixture different ways, affect the speed of phosphor deposition rate, resulting in production of products irregularity, so when the feed of each LED dies are hoping to have the same specification, so more easy to color control within a certain range, and maintain a certain production yields, but doing so will result in increased costs. This paper mainly discusses the part after the phosphors was added into the paste, due to the effect of gravity, and the time difference before and after the operation, the device will result in different CIE offset problems. Although shorten the time difference can be reduced, but will result in increased production costs, the problem cannot be mass-produced. In order to solve the problem of CIE offset, that does not affect the status of production operations situation assessment increase plastic material viscosity, in order to achieve the anti-sedimentation, reduce different phosphor particles settling time difference, and does not affect the product luminous efficiency & quality, and expand plastic material viscosity, improve production yield quality.


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