  • 學位論文

空巢期婦女參與社區認真性休閒團體經驗 之研究

A Study on the Experiences that Empty-Nest Period Women Had on Participating Community Serious Leisure Groups

指導教授 : 王文瑛


摘要 隨著時代的演進,醫療技術進步下,加上少子化趨勢,使得扮演父母親身分的階段已成為人生的非必要的一小部分。這個階段都發生在婦女中年期,而在此階段除內分泌改變引發身心反應改變,在身體方面,感受容貌與體態改變,加上小孩子成長離家,產生複雜的情緒反應。而積極參與活動有助於身體的健康,在心理方面得到個體的自我肯定、提升自我形象、自尊感等正向影響。 本研究以質性研究方法進行研究,透過文件分析及深度訪談等方式,了解空巢期婦女藉由參與認真性休閒團體中所獲得經驗之感受、體驗對生命轉折點之探討。經驗分享中,在投入的初期因身心阻礙而導致灰心,而轉捩點來自對生活的自我負責與人生的堅持,接觸新知與親友的支持,努力及付出。在投入的過程中,婦女發現自己在團體中找到愛惜自己的生活目標,打開生活圈,擴展了社群網絡,家庭生活也更加和諧。並透過自己的經驗,說服更多婦女勇敢面對自己的興趣,創造出服務貢獻的想法,來肯定自我價值,走出失落感,讓身心靈方面得到了不同的意義價值。


Abstract Along with the time development, medical technology is more and more improved, adding to the having fewer children tendency, that lets being-parent period become less important in their life time.This stage last in the women middle-age period;in this period, the endocrine change leads to the changes of psychophysiological responses. They experience the changes of their countenance and healthy on the physiology respect;moreover, they have to tolerate the leaving home of their children when they are mature.Those experiences lead to their complex psychological reacts. Their positive participation is useful for their health; on the psychological dimension, they can get positive impacts as: individual self-approval, enhancing their individual image, self-esteem,… The study adopts the qualitative research method as the main method for this thesis. Through data analysis and in-depth interview method, the study wants to deeper understand the impacts of the feelings and experiences through participating in the serious leisure groups to turning points in their life during the empty-nested stage of the women. From the interview, we know that because of the psychophysiological obstruct at the first period of participating the serious leisure groups, they usually felt despondent and in a bit down. However, under the self-responsibility and the persistence, the support of having more chances to meet and make friends with others, their turning points have been unceasingly supported and paid for. Through that progress they find out their self-cherished life goals, it is not only the living is perimeter opened larger, but also their social relationship is also broadened larger; moreover, that is also make their family life is more harmony.Many of them state that they want to share their experiences with others and advice them to be more confident to face their life and interest, contribute more efficient ideals for servicing methods to more affirm self-worth, escape the sense of loss and the worry in the empty-nested stage, make their psychophysiological dimensions gain diversified meaningful value.


empty-nested stage


步驟分析。身心障礙研究 ,2(3),122-136。
