  • 學位論文

整合氧化鋅奈米線與微流道血漿分離元件 之生醫感測平台研究

A Biosensing Platform Integrating ZnO Nanowires and Blood Plasma Separation Microfluidic Device

指導教授 : 許鉦宗


本論文整合氧化鋅奈米線元件與微流道血漿分離元件於一系統進行全血生物分子感測;首先微流道重力分離血漿系統,將血液有效過濾掉造成螢光訊號干擾的血球部分,接著結合生物相容性極佳的氧化鋅奈米柱結構,增加可感測的表面積範圍,造成偵測濃度獲得突破,以提升感測元件的靈敏度。感測修飾分子則利用自組裝技術(Self-assembly technique) ,氧化鋅奈米線元件成長在元件玻璃表面後,依序修飾3-氨基丙基三甲氧基甲矽烷(Amino Propyl Triethoxy Silane, APTES)與生物素(Biotin),檢體的準備則於全血中參入不同濃度鏈黴抗生素蛋白(Streptavidin),爾後利用螢光分析鑑定元件之分子感測靈敏度,實驗證實整合氧化鋅奈米線元件與微流道血漿分離元件有效提升到感測器的靈敏度。最後利用聚二甲基矽氧烷(PDMS)的透氣特性,發展自動吸取流體機制,使其不必施給外加力便可操作,研究透過以上之結合,目的為達成高偵測靈敏度、製程方便以及自行供給驅動力,整合這些優勢,提供到未來可攜式生醫晶片的普及上建立基礎。


In this thesis, a biosensing platform integrating zinc oxide nanowires and blood plasma separation microfluidic device was demonstrated and investigated; Plasma microfluidic system utilizing gravity separation was prepared for effective filtering of the blood cells that usually caused signal interference in fluorescence intensity identification. The ZnO nanowire with biocompatibility nanopillar structure was optimized for the increase of the surface area in capture of target molecules. Prior to sensing, both Amino Propyl Triethoxy Silane (APTES) and Biotin were modified on the ZnO nanowire via self-assembly technique for Streptavidin detection. Whole blood samples spiked with various concentrations of Streptavidin were adopted to characterize the efficiency of the proposed system and the limit of detection (LOD). Fluoresence images confirmed the enhancement of the proposed sensing platform; with ZnO nanowire the LOD was enhanced from 42 pM to 4.2 pM. Finally, an automatic fluid flow mechanism was demonstrated to increase the feasibility of the proposed system. It is believed that by integrating these features the proposed platform can be beneficial to future point-of-care applications.


ZnO Microfluidic Plasma Separation Biosensing


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