  • 學位論文


A Low Power 10-Bit 500-KS/s Delta-Modulated Successive Approximation Register Analog-to-Digital Converter for Implantable Medical Devices

指導教授 : 吳重雨




For reducing outside noise in the applications of detection and stimulation of epilepsy, implantable epileptic devices require low power consumption. ADC is a power-hungry device in whole system. Delta-modulated SAR ADC using successive approximation register is power-efficiency than the other architectures, but conventional SAR ADC solving n-bit code form MSB to LSB is non-efficient. This work is proposed to modulate input signal and predicts the range to reduce redundant steps. Using the difference between the previously solved code and sampled input signal as input signal of ADC increases the hit rate of prediction, because in the same channel, the delta value between two successive samples is considerably small. Prof. F. Shaw and coworkers use external instruments to detect ECoG of Long-Evens rats. When epileptic seizure happened, the amplified voltage can reach above 2V. However, the delta value interpolated by 500kHz is less than 3mV. Since signal frequency of most of the bio-potential signals is in the range between 0.5Hz and 2KHz. Multi-channel design can simultaneously detect localized variations. Measured results of proposed delta-modulated SAR ADC show the total power consumption is 2.95μW, SNDR of 59.375dB, and ENOB of 9.57 at Fin=100Hz with supply voltage of 1.8V.


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