  • 學位論文


Research on the speed of geographical knowledge diffusion of breakthrough innovation

指導教授 : 蘇信寧




Accelerating innovation not only increases the likelihood of successful innovation, but also brings sustainable competitive advantage. The diffusion of knowledge can provide good energy for innovation, and the acquisition of knowledge is also regarded as a way to increase innovation speed. If we can explore the diffusion of knowledge and its diffusion speed from different ways, we can also have a broader understand in this field. This research uses a geographic perspective to measure the diffusion of knowledge. We measure the speed of geographic knowledge diffusion per unit time, and set innovation-related indicators as independent variables, and then use regression analysis to understand the impact of breakthrough innovative technologies on the geographic level and its implications. The results show that knowledge with relatively low entry barriers can effectively increase the speed of knowledge diffusion. Managers who use knowledge diffusion as a strategic direction can use this as a reference and make corresponding adjustments.


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