  • 學位論文


The Dilemma of Enterprises Implementing Toyota Production System - A Case Study of Taiwan’s Machine Tool Industry

指導教授 : 李榮貴 彭文理


近年來許多企業相繼導入豐田生產系統(Toyota Production System, TPS),希望能夠改善企業體質與提升競爭力,並有許多實行TPS的成功案例,但是它們卻無法獲得與豐田汽車公司相當的成就。且許多國外企業推行TPS卻導致績效更差。Dr. Goldratt 認為企業導入TPS失敗之原因為豐田企業是處於穩定性環境,但是一般企業卻是處於此不穩定性環境中,導致TPS執行失敗。另外,企業導入TPS並無遵循大野耐一發展TPS的四個步驟進行改善亦可能導致執行績效差。本研究欲驗證工具機產業是處於不穩定性環境,且無法有效執行TPS;在不穩定環境中,工具機廠商導入TPS並無遵循大野耐一的四個步驟導致改善績效不佳。


Lately, many enterprises have implemented the Toyota Production System in order to improve their performance and competitiveness. However, some of those enterprises which implemented TPS couldn’t improve even led to worse performance. Dr. Goldratt thought the reason corporate adopted TPS finally failed was due to their basic production environments was different of Toyota. Toyota’s production environment is in a stable condition, yet most companies wasn’t as stable as Toyota. Besides, enterprises implemented TPS did not follow the Ohno’s four steps may also lead to poor performance. This study’s goal is to discuss whether Taiwan Machine Tool Industries is in three different dimensions of the instability of the environment. Also, we study that in the unstable environment, the companies which follow Ohno’s four steps could have better improvement than which not follow Ohno’s for steps.


TPS Ohno’s four steps Unstable environment


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