  • 學位論文

WTO爭端解決小組就GMO爭議之裁決分析-以SPS Agreement第2.2條、第5.1條及第5.7條之解釋及適用為主

An Analysis of the WTO Panel Ruling on GMO Dispute -- Focusing on the Interpretation and Application of Articles 2.2, 5.1 and 5.7 of the SPS Agreement

指導教授 : 王敏銓 王文杰


基因改良(Genetic Modified Organisms (GMOs))的蓬勃發展以及其跨國貿易的興盛,引發了世界貿易組織會員國間之貿易紛爭。GMOs管制之複雜性在於其涉及龐大的經濟商機以及對環境及公共健康保護的公共利益,如何在貿易自由化以及此等非經濟的公共利益間取得平衡,乃近年來重要的國際貿易議題。西元2003年間,世界貿易組織在GMOs生產國之請求下,成立爭端解決小組(Panel)負責裁決有關歐洲共同體(European Community)及其會員國就基因改良產品所採取之影響貿易之管理措施是否符合世界貿易組織相關規定之爭端。由於該爭端之複雜性及高度爭議性,爭端解決小組進行了相當長的程序,費時三年多,始於西元2006年六月完成其報告。本文擬從本案之法律層面分析爭端解決小組之報告對於GMOs管制於世界貿易組織下之合法性,尤其側重於WTO Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures相關條文之解釋與適用。本文觀察到爭端解決小組雖然再次肯認會員國採取措施以保障環境及公共健康的權利,但其對於相關貿易限制措施之實施仍給予相當嚴格之檢視。


The transboundary movement of Genetic Modified Organisms (GMOs) has become a focal point of the international community. The management of and control over GMOs involves huge economic interests and the protection of the environment and public health. In 2003, the World Trade Organization (WTO), at the request of GMOs-producing countries, established a Panel to adjudicate the consistency of European Community State Members’ restriction on trade of GMO products with the WTO rules. Given the high controversy and sensitivity of the dispute, the Panel had conducted a very lengthy deliberation and finally reached a conclusion in September of 2006. This Article aims to analyze the legal reasoning of the decision, focusing on how the tribunal interpreted and applied certain critical provisions governing the dispute. It is found that this ruling took a rigid stand on the justification of applying trade restrictions on GMOs, although the right of WTO members to protect national health has been fairly reaffirmed.


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