  • 學位論文


Establishment of Charity chains and Charity-Committed Corporations for Diminishing the Social problems in M-Shaped Society.

指導教授 : 陳安斌


摘要       社會經濟越發達,貧窮人口卻不減反增,種種社會現象被大前研一教授觀察後稱為「M型社會」。科技的發達大幅提昇了企業的管理能力及工廠生產效能,創新與革命性產品不斷推出,讓大部份的人得到了生活的更便利與更享受,但卻也改變了經濟結構,加速社會M 型化的趨勢,造成社會中極富和極貧兩端同時快速的增加。而依研究發現,世界各國政府更因為鼓勵企業投資,故稅賦有逐年下降的趨勢。稅基收入的降低,造成政府財政短收,於是社會福利支出增加不易。單靠政府與原有投入者的力量終將無法解決M 型社會不斷擴大的問題。 故本研究嘗試提出如何藉由建立公益鏈與推動公益型企業以對 M 型社會問題進行改善之研究。該研究將採用大量的文獻引用及資料分析方式探討知覺價值、參與動機、涉入程度及企業公信力等四個構念與研究所欲建立公益型企業之關係。期望在公益鏈的架構之下,讓公益可以專業分工及財務透明的方式執行,以發揮最大的公益成效。而公益型企業的建立,讓消費就是做公益,且不需多花一毛錢,就能對社會產生實質回饋的一個實際作法。本研究所提公益型企業主要的精神就是消費者用經濟民主的力量,促使更多的企業轉型為公益型企業。藉由公益賽局,讓公益鏈的每個角色都能產生最大的績效,進而讓M型社會的問題得以改善。 本研究透過網路問卷方式進行消費者調查,調查期間於 2010 年5 月9 日至5 月31 日止,共成功回收582 份問卷。經回收後檢查以全部同一尺度回答問題(全答7)等無效問卷共8 份,有效問卷為574 份;並且採用SPSS 15.0 及AMOS 7.0 進行信度、效度與結構方程式進行資料分析。研究結果顯示四個構念與公益型企業之關係均為正向關係,並且支持本研究所提出的六個研究假設。本研究發現公益型企業確為消費者所認同,可做為企業欲轉型為公益型企業之參考,亦在公益鏈的發展中,非營利組織面臨產業化的情況,提供轉型的方向。


ABSTRACT The socio-economy has become prosperous, however, number of the poor people did not decrease but increase. The socio-phenomenon was observed by Professor Kenichi Ohmae who named the phenomenon as “M shape society.” The development of technology has substantially improved the cooperation management ability and factory production efficiency. Releasing of the innovative and revolutionary products has made life of most people more convenient and comfortable, but it has also changed the economic structure and accelerated the trend toward M shape society. The number of people in two extremes of the society, extreme rich and extreme poor, has increased rapidly. According to the research, government of each country in the world has the trend to reduce the tax every year in order to encourage cooperation investing. The reducing income of the tax has caused the financial shortage in government, therefore, it was not easy for government to increase the social welfare expenditure. Depending on the government and exiting manpower could not solve the magnified problem of M shape society. The research suggested solving the problem of M shape society by creating public welfare chain and carrying out public welfare cooperation. The research discussed the relationship between four concepts, which were perceived value, participation motive, involvement level, public trust of the cooperation, and the public welfare cooperation, which was promoted in the research, by quoting a lot of literature and analyzing data. Public welfare could be carried out in ways of professional division labor and financial transparency under structure of public welfare chain to bring the maximum public welfare efficiency. The establishment of public welfare cooperation made the action of consumption itself becomes public welfare, which was a way of substantial return to the society without paying extra money. The spirit of public welfare cooperation in the research was that consumer used the power of economic democracy to force more cooperation turned into public welfare cooperation. By way of public welfare game, each member in the public welfare chain could produce maximum efficiency, therefore, improving the problem of M shape society. The consumer survey in the research was conducted via internet questionnaire from May 9th to May 31st in 2010. Total of 582 complete questionnaires were received. After examining the received questionnaires, all questions were reply in same scale (scale 7) in eight questionnaires which was defined as invalid questionnaire. 574 questionnaires were valid. SPSS 15.0 and AMOS 7.0 were used to analyze reliability, validity and structure equation of data. The result of the research showed positive relationship between four concepts and public welfare cooperation which supported the six hypotheses in the research. The research found that consumer approved public welfare cooperation which could be used as reference for the cooperation which intended to transform into public welfare cooperation. Furthermore, the research suggested a way of transformation for non-profit organization which faced the problem of industrialization in the development of public welfare chain.


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