  • 學位論文

台灣汽車市場產品特性需求分析 ─以國產自用小客車為例

product characteristic demand analysis of Taiwanese car market

指導教授 : 劉錦龍


基於先前國內對於汽車市場的特徵價格研究很少考慮到需求的層面,本論文旨在探討油價持續上升下,消費者對汽車的需求不減反增,消費者在購買國產車時注重的特徵與對汽車選擇的偏好是否有所改變。於是本文藉由所蒐集1997~2006的汽車價格、銷售量及觀察到的特徵資料,利用特徵間斷選擇模型 (hedonic discrete choice models)估計消費者受限於預算限制式的效用極大化下對異質產品需求的偏好。 研究結果顯示:消費者對於汽車外觀及舒適度有顯著的偏好,但沒有證據可以支持汽車的安全性、馬力與汽缸對市佔率有顯著的影響。台灣汽車平均價格需求彈性大體來說介於-2~-3之間,小於美國汽車市場的汽車平均價格需求彈性。再來,研究期間消費者對汽車價格的敏感度越來越高、越來越有議價的能力,汽車市場競爭日趨激烈。最後,消費者所得上升,對舒適度、馬力、安全與汽缸等特徵有較高的偏好,且會較偏好現代的車款。


Due to previous literature on hedonic models used in Taiwanese car market seldom considered demand side, the purpose of this paper is to consider whether consumers have changed their preferences on car choices under the current market structure. This study employs the traditional hedonic price method as well as the discrete choice demand models to consider the differentiated products under the consumer maximizing utility problems. Our data consists of 479 car models including list prices, quantities and the related characteristics from 1997 to 2006. Our empirical results show that the characteristics of styling and comfort have statistically positive influences on the market share. However, there is no evidence to support the effect for the safety, performance and engine size. The average own price elasticities on Taiwanese domestic car range from -2 to -3, which are smaller than those in the U.S. market, moreover, our results also show that consumers have had more and more bargaining powers during the recent years. Finally, as income rises, consumers care more about comfort, performance, safety, and engine size as well as modern models.


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