  • 學位論文


Natural Disaster Risk Assessment and Managment for Tour Industry

指導教授 : 蔣偉寧 許文科


臺灣由於地理環境特殊,造就出許多獨一無二的美麗景緻,多變化的氣候,更孕育了無數珍貴的天然觀光資源,然而特殊的地理環境卻也成為天然災害侵襲頻繁的主因。近年來政府積極推動「挑戰2008國家發展重點計畫-觀光客倍增計畫」及「一鄉一特色」等計畫,鼓勵民眾發展觀光。觀光業者為求充分運用天然資源多選擇於風景秀麗、臨山面海區域進行建設,然而相關區域卻也隱含著救災資源貧乏及災害風險性高的特性。因此,如何兼容觀光經濟發展與災害防治工作,成了目前極為重要且迫切的工作。 有鑑於此,本研究試著考量觀光產業受災特性,從災害風險管理的角度探討觀光產業施行災害防治之可行作為。並針對近年來觀光發展及災害侵襲頻繁兼具的花蓮地區,進行實務性觀光產業災害風險評估工作,透過對於產業特性及災害風險分析提出相關防減災的可行建議。本研究主要目的有二大項,包含有: (一) 建立觀光產業天然災害風險評估模式。 (二) 提供觀光產業天然災害風險控制具體策略。 期望經由本文提供之建言,讓觀光業者在平日做好相關整備工作,當災害不幸侵襲時能從容以對適當應變,進一步使得災害之搶救及復舊作業能早日完成,儘速恢復相關營運機能,有效降低因天然災害所造成的損失與風險。本研究亦期望能提供包括政府部門、產物保險公司及銀行等不同領域使用者必要之觀光災害風險資訊,協助其研擬觀光產業相關災害風險管理策略之參考。


Due to its unique environmental characteristics and ever-changing climate, Taiwan abounds with natural travel resources. Nevertheless, those same traits have been the main cause for the constant natural disasters that have been the difficulty of Taiwan. Recently the government has been actively promoting the “2008 – Challenge: Key Plans for National Development–Increasing tourism” and “Finding distinctive feature for each Township” etc. to encourage the development of the tourism industry. As expected, construction in the tourism industry is mainly focused in traditional landscape and slope land areas; yet, these same areas are most prone to natural disaster if lacking the most basic infrastructure for disaster remediation measures. Therefore, ensuring the development of the tourism industry along with the necessary disaster prevention measures is the current focal point of government plans. This study investigates the characteristics of disaster events, and, from the perspective of risk management, analyses possible disaster prevention measures that can be implemented by the tourism industry. The study concentrates practical risk analysis and recommendations of the disaster management for the tourism industry in Hualien, an area that has recently undergone a series of natural disaster events. The goals of this study include: (1)Generating a natural disaster risk assessment model of the tourism industry (2)Giving strong and specific strategies on practical disaster prevention measures that can be adopted by the tourism industry. Our goal is to facilitate the tourism industry in disaster preparation and prevention, so that once disaster hits, the necessary measures can be implemented to minimize loss of life and property, and to return to full operating capacity as quickly as possible. This assessment tool can be a useful reference for government, agencies, none-life insurance and disaster reduction policies for the tourism industry.


9.王鴻楷、林錫銓,「921 災後觀光產業重建政策之永續性研究」,都市與計劃,2004年。
