  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of the Digital Learning Puzzle Game at Elementary School

指導教授 : 陳德懷


數學練習於傳統教室環境中,研究者觀察到了一些現象,高程度的學生計算的很快,但如果題目缺乏挑戰性,一旦作完所有題目時,就開始感到無趣。而中程度和低程度的學生則可能遇到困難的問題時,就開始不如道的去解決,有的學生會因為不好意思請教同學和老師,然後他們就慢慢的失去了對學習數學的興趣,害怕計算數學。 為了嘗試克服這些學生的學習困境,故本研究主要目的是建構一套個人式數位學習謎題遊戲系統,此遊戲是運用於數學練習,以探討是否能激發學生的學習動機,以保持學習的持續性,進而提升學習的成效。 本研究以質化探索性的方式,深入瞭解在傳統教學環境裡數位學習謎題遊戲所帶給學童的感受為何及能給的輔助為何,主要以桃園縣楊梅鎮郊區高榮國小二年級的八位學童為研究對象,採半結構式訪談法、參與觀察法及動機態度量表分析法和系統記錄來進行研究。 研究結果,一、大部份的學生都融入於遊戲中且持續的進行,而達到了學習的效果。二、遊戲的提示輔助提升了學生信心,而學習透過不同的方式來去學習數學。三、即時監控工具,提供教師在進行數學練習活動時,監督活動過程,進而掌握學生的學習狀況,並給予適時的指導。


Researcher observed some phenomena from mathematic exercises in a traditional classroom environment. High-level students could calculate quickly. Nevertheless, when completing all questions, they are prone to be bored because the questions are no challenges to them. On the other hand, when medium- and low-level students do not know how to solve the questions, a few students are embarrassed to ask their classmates and teachers for help. Consequently, they will lose interest in learning mathematics and are afraid of calculation. To help overcome study difficulties, the main purpose of this research is to construct an individual digital learning puzzle game at elementary school. This game is applied to mathmatic practice. It discusses whether the game can arouse students’ motivation, maintain their learning sustainability and improve their learning effect. This research will be based on the qualitative approach. The aim is to explore the influence of digital learning puzzle game upon students in a traditional learning environment. Eight second grade students at Yangmei Gaorong elementary school in Taoyuan County are the research objectives. Furthermore, the methods chosen in this study are a semi-contracture interview, participant observation, and motivation attitude scale analysis and system logfile. The results indicated that: 1. most students could continue and concentrate their attention on the game and have positive effects on learning. 2. The assistance of the game raises students’ confidence and makes them to learn to study mathematics through different methods. 3. The instantaneous monitor tool provides a good opportunity for teachers to observe students’ learning attitude toward mathematics and give them suggestion at an opportune moment during the activity.


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