  • 學位論文


Study on Formwork Assembly Tasking in Building Construction

指導教授 : 謝定亞


國內建築工程歷經數十年隨著經濟發展、政府政策不斷演變,為了提升工程技術與品質而不斷嘗試與突破,自民國69年開始陸續引進新式模板工法,其中僅系統模板尚存,絕大部分適用於土木工程,鮮少使用在建築工程,長久循環下來建築模板工程主要依賴經驗傳承、自我要求進行模板組立作業,面臨到許多問題。 從營建署歷年統計年報資料顯示,台灣地區鋼筋混凝土(RC)及鋼骨鋼筋混凝土(SRC)工程佔總建照核發工程將近九成之多,突顯了模板工程的重要性。而在建築工程中結構體工程佔總工期約70%,其中模板工程工期佔結構體工程約60%,且模板 工程費用佔結構體費用約30%,顯示無論在工期或總工程費用模板工程都佔有重要角色。 本研究將以現地訪查、專家訪談等方式,彙整出建築模板工程中柱、牆、粱、版四個部份的模板組立作業邏輯,並訂定出組模步驟,且將需進行裁切之零碼材料置放區做規劃,冀望能為模板工程之組立作業提供更詳細的施工要領以達到節省材料、轉用率高、成本低等優點。 模板組立是攸關建築工程施工品質與進度的關鍵工項,本研究進一步探討柱、牆、粱、版四部份之模板組立施工的關鍵因子,並嘗試區別各影響因子之重要程度,藉由層級分析法(AHP)問卷的發放與回收,並使用專用分析軟體『專家選擇』(Expert Choice 2000 版本)進行統計計算後以本研究所提出之組立作業方式進行方案評估,可得較佳之組立作業模式。


For the past decades, the formwork system methods were adjusted with the environmental and policy changes continuously. Since 1970 new-typed formwork system was introduced, but only modular formwork system was retained for civil engineering. Formwork system depends on experience heritage and self-requirements all the way since. Literature review in this study brought out the fact that there is 90% construction in Tiwan are Reinforced Concrete and Steel Reinforced Concrete. It shows the importance of formwork system in Tiawan. Furthermore, one-third of total engineering cost of a structure architecture is on formwork construction. And 70% of time is used for formwork construction in whole structure duration. This work archieved the methods of formwork construction in different part by a series of expert interviews. Then AHP is used to design the expert questionnaire. And this research employs Expert Choice2000 software to analyze the questionnaire and compare the method of formwork construction to help decide which is the better one.


Formwork System Reinforced Concrete AHP


﹝15﹞羅文佑,「建築模板工法選擇決策之研究」,國立成功大學, 2012。
