  • 學位論文


A Research on the Tablet PC Usage Intention and Behavior

指導教授 : 林明杰


本研究以整合性科技接受模式之觀點,分析績效期望、努力期望、社會影響、 有利條件對於平板電腦使用意圖與行為之影響程度,並探討不同行動裝置使用經 驗與人口統計變項產生之知覺差異效果。本研究以20歲以上之消費者及潛在消費 者為研究對象,使用網路線上問卷作為調查方式,實證研究結果顯示: 一、 績效期望、努力期望、社會影響對於平板電腦使用意圖皆有正向影響,但 三者影響程度不同。 二、 有利條件對於平板電腦使用行為沒有顯著正向影響;平板電腦使用意圖對 於平板電腦使用行為有正向影響。 三、 以不同年齡層分析下,青年與中年在努力期望、有利條件表現上高於老年; 中年在社會影響表現上高於青年。 四、 以不同行動裝置使用經驗分析下,有筆記型電腦使用經驗者在平板電腦之 績效期望、努力期望、有利條件、行為意圖、實際使用行為之表現高於無 使用經驗者;有智慧型手機使用經驗者在平板電腦之努力期望、有利條件 之表現高於無使用經驗者;有平板電腦使用經驗者在平板電腦之績效期望、 努力期望、社會影響、有利條件、行為意圖高於無使用經驗者。 五、 以每月所得分析下,不同所得者在平板電腦使用行為上有差異。 本研究在理論貢獻上,將整合性科技接受模式套用在台灣行動裝置普及率高 之地區研究相對於其他電子產品進入障礙較低之平板電腦,可以發現有利條件沒 有正向影響,且行動裝置使用經驗會產生知覺差異;本研究樣本囊括各年齡層, 不集中在青年,因此社會影響有正向影響。在實務貢獻上,本研究提供平板電腦 業者發掘潛在客戶之指標,產業界可以此發展適切之行銷策略。


According to the consumer market of mobile devices in Taiwan, tablet PCs are now on the product growth stage. As a result, many people don’t really know what tablet PCs can do for them and even consider buying one or not. The purposes of this study are discussing the major factors that influencing the intention and behavior of using tablet PCs from the view of consumers, which help enterprises to develop effective strategies. This research is based on the viewpoints of United Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology. Then probing for the differences of experience in the use of mobile devices and demographic variables, and the research results show that: 1. Performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and social influence have positive influences on using intention with different effect. 2. Facilitating conditions don’t show positive influences on usage behavior, and using intention has positive influence on usage behavior. 3. In different age group, effort expectancy and facilitating conditions of youths and middle-aged adults are higher than elders. 4. Compared with different experience in the use of mobile devices, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, using intention, and actual usage behavior of group with experience in the use of notebook computers are higher than group without experience ; effort expectancy and facilitating conditions of group with experience in the use of smart phones are higher than group without experience; performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions and using intention of group with experience in the use of tablet PCs are higher than group without experience. 5. Different income group shows different usage behavior.




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