  • 學位論文


Studies of sustainable development and use of multifunctional flood detention neighborhood parks – Taking flood detention pond parks in Linkou District, New Taipei City as an example

指導教授 : 林志棟 張岸礕


氣侯變遷、調適減緩及公園綠地之永續發展刻不容緩,針對林口區10處文教用地、14處鄰里公園綠地、2個廣場、1個綠地共設置28處溼式、乾式及混合式等三種滯洪池,並將鄰里公園、廣場、綠地等17處休憩空間的滯洪池進行「公園化」、「兒童遊樂場化」的綠美化景觀,讓滯洪池可同時提供居民滯洪防災及遊憩等多功能使用。 本研究以「滯洪池公園」、「生態透水」、「空間活化」、「景觀綠美化」、「使用管理」、「設施維護」等6個主要研究課題,建立現有滯洪池鄰里公園的評估準則,做為後續滯洪鄰里公園規劃示範,公園更新導入永續發展、滯洪防災、透水環境及維護管理概念之探討,並加入民意探討公園維護管理課題。 研究結果,除透過公園滯洪池規劃,檢核各排水分區逕流量、滯洪量及下游排水系統之容許排洪量之水理計算外,亦於池底進行空間活化新增設施及更新、保有滯洪、生態透水及景觀綠美化功能、重塑滯洪池成為鄰里公園及打造林口成為滯洪池示範區。此外,公園綠地應透過透水鋪面、增加綠覆面積,提升基地保水量,降低熱島效應,達永續發展目標;專用場地並可透過委託管理,提升為民服務品質。另滯洪池鄰里公園硬體設施之修繕及維護,應積極訂定年度「開口契約」辦理,為較能提升時效之修繕方式。 建議訂定公園開發設計準則,規範公園綠覆率等各項空間設施標準,避免不符合永續發展的公園開闢設計,除能兼顧社會公平、經濟發展及環境保育的理念外,亦能達成公園綠地「永續發展、多元使用、品質提升」和諧舒適生產、生活及生態環境之目標。


Sustainable development of climate change, adaptation and retard and parkland are of great urgency for Linkou District, there are total installations of 28 wet type, dry type and hybrid type flood detention ponds in 10 educational land acquisitions, 14 neighborhood parks and green spaces, 2 squares and 1 green space, and conduct green landscaping of "park", "children's playground" for 17 flood detention ponds of neighborhood parks, squares, green spaces, let flood detention ponds can provide residents the flood detention disaster prevention and recreation of multifunctional use at the same time. In this study, there are six major research topics, including "flood detention pond parks", "ecological water permeability", "space activation", "green landscaping", "use and management" and "facility maintenance", establishing assessment criteria of existing flood detention pond neighborhood parks and as planning demonstrations for subsequent flood detention neighborhood parks, introducing updating parks into the concept investigation of sustainable development, flood detention pond disaster prevention, water permeability environment, maintenance and management, and joining the public opinion to explore park maintenance and management issues. Research results show that in addition to checking the water management calculation of permit flood drainage of runoff, detention amount and downstream drainage system in each drainage district through park detention pond planning, it also conducts space activation and adds new facilities at the pond bottom and updates to have flood detention, ecology water permeability and green landscaping features, remodels flood detention ponds to become a neighborhood park and builds Linkou to become flood detention pond demonstration area. Besides, green parks should be through the water permeability pavements to increase the green coverage area, to improve base water retention and to reduce the heat island effect to reach sustainable development goals; dedicated venues can improve the service quality through delegated administration. Another repairs and maintenance of flood detention pond neighborhood parks hardware facilities should actively set the annual "open contract" to handle; it is the better repair method to improve the effectiveness. Proposing to set park development and design standards, specifying park green coverage and other space facilities standards, avoiding park open up design which is not consistent with sustainable development , in addition to taking into account of philosophy of society fairness, economic development and environmental conservation, it also can reach "sustainable development, multifunctional use and quality improvement" of green parks and the goal of harmonious and comfortable production, life and ecological environment.




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