  • 學位論文

用水種別合理分攤之水價調整研究 ─以大桃園地區為例

Study on tariff design strategy for public water supply in Taoyuan region

指導教授 : 吳瑞賢


台灣自來水公司之水價已近20年未調整,近年來隨著生活水準提高、工商發展及高科技產業活絡,對自來水的需求不斷上升,用水型態亦由民生轉為工商用水。自來水水價應針對其用途進行合理調整以支應成本。 本研究收集102年度台水二處(大桃園地區)每戶每期實際用水量,分析各用水種別用水情形與差異,以了解區域用水狀況,並將現行水價、經濟部建議水價、北水處水價及本研究研擬水價等四種水費費率與段別,套入102年11、12月抄表資料計算,分析不同水價方案對一般民生、商業經營、工業生產以及對於水公司營運收益之影響。結果顯示,符合政府建議之每日每人基本用水量之用戶,不受水價調整影響,甚至部分水價降低。至於超過基本民生用水之用戶則逐段增加,尤其是1,000度以上用水大戶,工業用水戶佔總增收金額85.76%。調整水價主要用以鼓勵民眾節約用水,提升工廠投資廢水回收之誘因,避免水資源濫用的情形發生;再者,改善自來水公司財務結構,加強更新設備之能力,有效降低漏水率,避免水資源流失。


自來水水價 費率 區段


The water price has not been raised for almost twenty years by Taiwan Water Corporation. In recent years, the quality of life continually rises up and the commerce and the hi-tech industry highly develop. As a result, the quantity in demand of the piped water continually rises up. Moreover, the types of water usage turned from mainly livelihood to industry and commerce purposes. The piped water price should be adjusted to make up the rising cost of production. In this study, the field data of water consumption in Taoyuan area in 2013 were collected. The consumption of each type of water usage was analyzed to realize the current status of Taoyuan area. Current water price, the recommended water price of Ministry of Economic Affairs, the water price of Taipei Water Department, and the water price proposed by this study were used to calculate the water tariff of the latest period of the collected data (November to December of 2013). The impacts on various user groups according to each tariff program and the revenue of Taiwan Water Corporation were analyzed. The results showed that the water fee for the users whose water consumption is lower than basic usage (recommend by the government) is slightly lower than the water fee paid in current program while recommended program is adopted. The water fee would increase for those people who, to some degree, might use water inappropriately. Water fee for the industries whose water consumption is higher than 1000 degree are most affected, accounting for 85.76% of the total water fee. The purposes to adjust the water price, mainly, are to inspire people treasure the water resources and make industries to increase the investment for water recycling. That is, to avoid the inappropriate use of the water resource. Moreover, this tariff design strategy can improve the financial status of Taiwan Water Corporation, increase the capability for equipment updating, decrease the leakage rate, and avoid the waste of the water resource.


piped water rate tariff zone


1. 台北自來水事業處(2013)。台北自來水事業統計年報。
2. 台灣自來水公司(2008)。環境永續、資源節約之體認與實踐-台水公司合理水價方案之說明。台灣自來水公司。
3. 台灣自來水公司(2011)。台灣自來水事業統計年報。
4. 台灣自來水公司(2012)。台灣自來水事業統計年報。
5. 台灣自來水公司(2013)。台灣自來水事業統計年報。
