  • 學位論文

於 Cr( Ш)-鍍 浴在金屬基板上電鍍 浴在金屬基板上電鍍 浴在金屬基板上電鍍 浴在金屬基板上電鍍 浴在金屬基板上電Cr xCy並探 討此鍍層在 討此鍍層在 討此鍍層在 H2SO 4/VOSO /VOSO 4環境中之腐蝕 環境中之腐蝕 環

Corrosion in H Corrosion in H Corrosion in H2SO 4/VOSO 4 solution for the Cr solution for the Cr solution for the Cr solution for the Crsolution for the Cr xCy coatings on coatings on coatings on coatings oncoatings on different me different medifferent medifferent me different me different medifferent metallic substrates fabricated bytallic substrates fabricated by tallic substrates fabricated bytallic substrates fabricated by tallic substrates fabricated by tallic substrates fabricated by tallic substrates fabricated by tallic substrates fabricated by tallic substrates fabricated bytallic substrates fabricated by tallic substrates fabricated bytallic substrates fabricated by tallic substrates fabricated bytallic substrates fabricated bytallic substrates fabricated by Cr( .)-electrochemical deposition electrochemical deposition electrochemical depositionelectrochemical deposition electrochemical depositionelectrochemical depositionelectrochemical deposition electrochemical

指導教授 : 林景崎


在現代對於電力的需求逐漸增加時,並且隨著各樣的二次能源被開發,如何去儲存並且調節其使用時間,是目前需要克服的問題。全釩氧化還原液流電池即是一種新型態的儲能系統,其具有容量大、壽命長、且可瞬間充電的優點,因此用於調節電力系統深具潛力。 全釩氧化還原液流電池由離子交換膜、石墨氈、雙極板、以及電解液所組成,其中電解液為硫酸環境,而雙極板做為隔絕兩極液體,並且收集電流之功用,因此需要極佳之耐蝕性。目前雙極板材料多為石墨板材料或是由石墨與高分子組成的複合材料,但在長時間運行下,其正極端仍會有腐蝕剝落的現象,且石墨為脆性材料,在組成單電池過程中,亦有破裂的情形。因此,選擇以機械強度極佳的金屬材料,做為輕薄型的金屬雙極板,使其更適用於全釩氧化還原液流電池當中。 然而,硫酸環境對金屬而言,除了貴金屬外,是相當容易反應的,因此需在金屬表面披覆功能性鍍層Cr-C鍍層,提升金屬的耐蝕性與導電性,使其成為適用於全釩氧化還原液流電池。Cr-C本身為具有高硬度、耐蝕性佳且導電之材料,多用於腐蝕環境的鍍層或是複合材料當中的強化媒介,因此希望藉由此功能性鍍層的披覆,達到增進金屬基材SS304不銹鋼及銅的耐蝕性。


The requirement of the electricity is increasing in the modern society, and several kinds’ secondary energy is developed. The problem needs overcome is the storage of electricity and the control of using time. All vanadium redox flow battery is a new type of energy storage system. The advantage is large capacity, long lifetime, and charging instantly. It has great potential in regulating power system. All vanadium redox flow battery consists of graphite felt, ion section membrane, bipolar plate and electrolyte. The electrolytes in the battery consist of sulfur acid, and isolate the electrolyte liquid from two poles. Collecting the electron is the function of the bipolar plate. According above factor, the property of corrosion is very important. The material which be used is graphite. The position side of the graphite will be corrosive in long time. It will crack at the composition of the batter stack. Metal material has better strength. Trying to make bipolar plate in metal, and evaluate the feasibility. In addition to noble metal, other metal is too hard to anticorrosive from sulfur acid. It needs a coating layer on the surface, improving the anticorrosion and conducted. Looking forward it will be used in vanadium redox flow battery. The composition of coating layer is chromium carbide. It has high hardness, good anticorrosion and conductivity. It were used the anticorrosion material. Expecting chromium carbide coating layer could improve the stainless steel and copper properties.




表4-1 10 OC之三價鉻鍍浴在SS304不銹鋼片上,進行電流密度為10 A/dm2、15 A/dm2、20 A/dm2、25 A/dm2、30 A/dm2電鍍10分鐘後,所得之鍍層,以電子探微儀分析Cr-C鍍層所得之碳含量 46
表4-2 10 OC之三價鉻鍍浴在銅片上,進行電流密度為6 A/dm2、10 A/dm2、14 A/dm2 、18 A/dm2電鍍10分鐘後,所得之鍍層,以電子探微儀分析Cr-C鍍層所得之碳含量 46
表4-3 在不銹鋼片上以10 OC之三價鉻鍍浴,於電流密度為10 A/dm2、15 A/dm2、20 A/dm2、25A/dm2及30 A/dm2進行電鍍10分鐘後,以XPS分析Cr-C鍍層在Cr2p鍵結化學狀態之百分比數據 47
表4-4 在不銹鋼片上以10 OC之三價鉻鍍浴,於電流密度為10 A/dm2、15 A/dm2、20 A/dm2、25A/dm2及30 A/dm2進行電鍍10分鐘後,以XPS分析Cr-C鍍層在C1s鍵結化學狀態之百分比數據 47
表4-5 10 OC之三價鉻鍍浴以電流密度10 A/dm2、15 A/dm2、20 A/dm2、25 A/dm2、30 A/dm2在SS304不銹鋼片上,進行電鍍10分鐘後,所得之鍍層在常溫20 wt% H2SO4 + 2 M VOSO4之模擬全釩液流氧化還原電池正極電解液環境,進行線性極化之阻抗值 48
