  • 學位論文


Establishment of Pavement Maintenance Information Management Center

指導教授 : 林志棟


民國97年行政院公共工程委員會推動路平專案至今已逾六年多的時間, 雖然國內道路鋪面施工品質有逐漸提升,但相關鋪面維護資訊整合卻未有 所突破,在鋪面管理系統研究上主要強調功能為導向,但本質問題未能解 決情況下導致系統應用成效不彰。機關在面對「後路平專案時代」的來臨, 對於機關外部環境一直在變動,機關內部人員、預算、資訊設備、管理機 制是否符合未來的需求,必須重新檢視系統管理策略,以面對日後的新挑 戰。 本研究改變過去以單一系統建構為思考方向,以鋪面維護資訊管理中 心為核心主軸,研發管理中心所需資訊管理系統,以服務導向架構法(SOA) 建構鋪面維護資訊管理平台,以強化資訊整合匯流功能,整合相關鋪面資 訊轉化為空間圖資方式呈現,並以時間軸回溯呈現時序資料,將區域內所 有道路巡查及養護行為予以記錄下來,可作為後續分析使用;另外一方面, 本研究採用邏輯法(logic method)建構鋪面維護知識專家系統,將鋪面養 護模式標準化,可提供工程師主動學習及諮詢決策的工具,可做為機關養 護指南、教育訓練、知識探勘等工具,以培養工程師主動學習,且妥善保 存知識並予以數位化傳承,以輔助鋪面維護資訊管理中心進行各項養護管 理作業。 機關內的養護工程師不再獨立作戰,在既有組織運作下,鋪面維護資 訊管理中心以集中式小組營運模式管理,機關可以更加掌握養護區域內道 路狀況,利用各項匯流資訊進行決策分析,適當分配養護資源,以提升區 域鋪面養護水準。


It has been more than 6 years since the Public Construction Commission rolled out the road-smoothing project in 2008. The quality of pavement works is indeed improved these days. However, no significant breakthrough is made in terms of the integration of pavement maintenance. The studies on the pavement management system are mostly function-oriented, but the system is less than effective in applications as the fundamental problem still remains unsolved. Facing the “post-road-smoothing project era,” government agencies have to deal with the constant changes in the outside world and consider whether the workers, budgets, IT equipment, management system are fit for the future. It is necessary to examine the strategies for system management in order to cope with new coming challenges. Unlike previous studies focusing on the development of single systems, this study was intended to focus on the idea of pavement maintenance information management center and develop an information management system that meets the needs of a management center. The service-oriented approach (SOA) was introduced to develop a pavement maintenance information management platform that improves the integration and convergence of information. Pavement information was put together and converted into 3D graphic presentation to support time history presented by tracking back along timeline. Road inspection tours and maintenance actions were well documented for further analysis. On the other hand, a logic method was adopted for the establishment of an expert system for pavement maintenance knowledge; i.e. pavement maintenance models were standardized to allow engineers to learn and search for tools for decision making. This expert system serves as a tool for pavement guides, training programs and knowledge mining in order to encourage the learning behaviors of engineers. It contains well-preserved knowledge that is digitalized to pass down and provides assistance in maintenance management works for the pavement maintenance information management center mentioned above. The maintenance engineers of government agencies no longer have to fight alone. In the existing organization, the pavement maintenance information management center runs the operation pattern management in concentrated III teams. Government agencies are allowed to stay on top of road conditions within the regions of individual jurisdiction, use the converged information for decision analysis, allocate maintenance resources in an appropriate way, and thus improve the quality of pavement maintenance.


9 交通部公路總局,「 路面管理決策支援系統之研究」,1997年。
18 林恩德,「鋪面養護單位建構知識管理雛形之研究」,國立中央大學
56 內政部國土測會中心,2015年1月12日。取自:
63 陳建達,「自動化鋪面平整度量測分析與破壞影像偵測系統之研
