  • 學位論文


Review and Process Improvements for the Shipping Ticket Delivery Operations in Company Y

指導教授 : 范錚強


個案公司Y是一家從傳統印製載體發展成跨資訊網路載體的專業印刷服務公司,其營運範疇以安全印刷為核心事業,發展橫跨印刷相關之服務。因此公司生產策略是著重於安全印刷產品,至於非核心產品則外包給同業代工,委外比重日益提高,外包管理愈來愈複雜,所以擁有完善的供應鏈,才得以掌控客戶的安全庫存量,能快速地把產品送到客戶手中,縮短資金回流的周期。基於Y公司早期生產策略著重於工廠自製,並無供應商外包系統,導致外包資訊在Y公司、供應商與客戶間產生隔閡,這種各自獨立的作業方式,不但造成資訊經常被扭曲或延遲,Y公司負擔的營運成本也很高。 另外Y公司在產品託運過程並無完整的物流資訊反饋和即時貨況查詢,配送過程如同黑盒子般,無法得知配送狀況;且客戶簽單回收作業冗長也造成極大困擾,須人工整理簽單,費時、費工不利於向客戶快速請款。 因此,本研究提出一個流程改善方案,改變外包作業流程與物流資訊反饋,期望為公司、供應商與客戶創造各式各樣的能見度。使得整體外包供貨快速、交期準時、降低人為所產生的錯誤、縮減雙方聯絡時間、物流透明化,藉此滿足顧客的需求。


The focal of this study, Company Y, is a professional printer, which is in the process of transforming from a traditional printer to a professional printer spanning into Internet-based printing. Its primary business is in the area of security printing, and other related printing services. Facing volatile competition, Company Y decided to focus on mainline security printing, and outsource the non-essential products and services to cooperating, printers. The proportion of work outsourced has been increasing lately, and the management of outsourcing has become more complicated. Thus, Company Y has to run an efficient supply chain management, in order to maintain safe inventory levels for customers, and to deliver the right products to customers rapidly, such that the cycle of capital flow can be optimized. However, since Company Y started out without outsourcing, it did not have a supplier outsourcing system. As a result, there is a gap of outsourcing information between Company Y, suppliers and customers. These parties all operate independently, resulting in constantly distorted and delayed information, which in turn results in excessive wastes and high operations costs for Company Y. Furthermore, there is no completed logistics information feedback and instant track-and-trace for product delivery. The process of delivery has been treated like a black box, and no one knows the situation of delivery until month end. In addition, it takes a long time for customers’ signed proof of delivery to return, which then has to go through manual sorting and processing, resulting in frequent operational disturbances. The efforts for account receivable request, in terms of time and labor are high. Through thorough reviews of the related processes, this study proposes a set of reengineered processes, aiming at improving the problems related to the delivery of “shipping ticket,” which is an important type of security printing product. The proposal provides enhanced visibility not only for Company Y, but also for suppliers and customers. The expected results will be rapid services provided by outsourcing suppliers, deliver on time, better information timeliness and accuracy, track-and-trace of shipments, and finally, satisfied customers.


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