  • 學位論文


Key Success Factors of Implementing Performance-Based Contracts

指導教授 : 楊志斌


成效式契約(Performance-Based Contract, PBC),是強調以產出與成效目標為衡量基準的契約,在國外已推行並使用多年,與國內多以過程為導向的傳統契約,在付款機制及實務經驗上有很大的不同。近年來國內雖有對成效式契約之相關分析及研究,然而國內市場對於採用成效式契約仍處於觀望的階段,經本研究分析,國內目前在執行成效式契約存在兩個問題:(1)缺乏可作為標竿的代表性成功案例、(2)國內在現行環境下,對如何成功執行成效式契約的作法仍不清楚。本研究藉由文獻回顧、關鍵成功因素分析及專家訪談等方法,對於執行成效式契約關鍵成功因素進行初步研究,具體成果包括:(1)針對國內三個不同類型的成效式契約個案做有系統的彙整,分析可以被成功執行的原因、(2)針對國內採用成效式契約之成功及失敗案例進行分析,確立在國內如要執行成效式契約,應檢核的十二項關鍵成功因素。期待研究成果可做為日後國內導入成效式契約之基礎,使各項產業因成效式契約的採用獲得服務品質之提升。


Performance-Based Contract (PBC), emphasizing on measuring the outcome and performance of a project, has been implemented and used for years in many countries. It’s quite different from the traditional process-oriented contracts in payment mechanism and in implementation practice. Recently, related research and development of PBC, which have completed certain fundmental studies, fail to keep the domestic market away from adopting a wait-and-see attitude for the use of PBC. This study identified two major problems in implementing PBC in Taiwan, consisiting of lack of a benchmark case for success PBC implementation, and the ambiguity of success PBC implementation approach under current government environment. This study employed literature review, critical success factors analysis and expert interview to identify key success factors of implementing PBC. The research outcomes include (1) systematically analyzing and organizing thee different types of domestic PBC cases, and identifying the causes of successfully implementing PBC, (2) identifying twelve key successful factors for PBC implementation in Taiwan through analyzing success and failure PBC cases. It is expected that the outcomes of this study can be the basis of implementing PBC in Taiwan in the future which improves the performances of service procurements


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