  • 學位論文

材料分類盤點與供應商決選之研究- 以LED照明企業為例

Managing AVL by material categories-A LED lighting company for example

指導教授 : 高 信 培


台灣的LED照明產業經過20年的發展, 已在全球產業中占有一席之地, 但高端市場仍由國際大廠憑藉技術及專利所寡佔, 台灣廠商所擅之中低端市場相關產業大多處於成熟期, 市場需求完全飽和, 甚至供過於求, 現有業者為了維持市占率, 競爭更加激烈, 價格戰為最常見的手法, 隨著競爭的優勝劣敗, 經營不善者不是退出市場就是遭到併購, 行業洗牌不斷加劇. 個案公司為台灣LED照明中型製造公司, 主要製造廠位於竹科及大陸廣東東莞, 面對無止境的價格競爭, 韓國廠及大陸廠崛起, 2010左右著手調整及優化客戶及產品結構, 力圖擺脫低毛利甚至虧損困境, 其中一項重要戰略是投入鉅資新建廠辦大樓, 取得TS16949國際標準化組織汽車業品質管理系統認證, 切入LED車燈市場, 冀望藉此能開創藍海, 並創造利潤. 經過數年努力, 已具備LED汽車產業與節能照明業之堅強實力, 獲全球前十二大車燈供應商半數以上的認證通過, 2015年為台商前三大LED車燈廠, 並逐漸成為汽車原廠車燈供應鏈重要成員之一, 但因管理效能未能同步提升, 卻未能擺脫低毛利及虧損之苦. 本人為個案公司新進採購部門主管, 採購管理對於一個公司的成本競爭力是至關重要的, 尤其是對汽車零組件而言, 冀望從採購管理著手, 進行依材料分類供應商盤點, 優化合格供應商名單, 合格供應商綜合評比決選及建立優先供應商名單(PVL), 改善採購流程, 降低材料採購成本, 創造利潤, 並可做為其他公司的參考.


LED照明 TS16949 採購管理 PVL


After booming development in the past 20 years, Taiwanese LED lighting industry has become one of the most important players in the world. High end market is still dominated by some world-class companies by means of technology and patents. The middle end and low end markets which Taiwanese companies shared became completely saturated and even over supplied. Existing vendors want to keep their market share and make the competition even more bloody. Price-war is frequent solution. Poorly managed companies were liquidated or acquired. Industry reshuffle has been raging on. The case-study company is a Taiwanese LED lighting manufacturer of middle scale located in mainland China and Taiwan. Facing the endless price competition, and rising of mainland China’s companies and Korean companies, they began to optimize customer list and product portfolio from around 2010, managing to get rid of the dilemma of low gross margin. One of the most important strategies is to invest with big money to build a new office building for automotive LED market. After years’ efforts, the case-study company has built solid capability for LED lighting and LED automotive lighting and qualified by most of major automotive companies in the world. It became one of LED automotive lighting providers for the OM(original market) in the world. Due to inefficient management, the company has been still getting loss. I am the purchasing head new with the company. Purchasing management is essential in costs for kind of OEM/ODM companies, such as vendor’s selection, vendor pooling/PVL, RFQ management, price approval, etc, especially for automotive parts. This case study might be reference for other companies.


LED lighting Purchasing management, PVL


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