  • 學位論文


The Study of Technology Research and Treatment Plant Operation and Management of the Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Bottom Ash Handling

指導教授 : 林志棟


焚化底碴已成為優良且來源穩定之綠營建材料。經國內外研究及試驗證實,焚化底碴化學性質近似水泥,具有膠結性,經適當處理或加工再製,可有條件的使用於營建工程。而我國自民國91 年公告焚化底碴再利用政策,迄今十餘年來焚化底碴仍未能列入 再生材料規範,使相關業者無所依循。因此本研究擬探討焚化底碴處理技術與再利用用 途之相關性,分析目前技術可行、經濟可行並已商業化之處理技術與再利用實例,歸納 並探討底碴利用之營運管理策略。研究發現焚化底碴以乾式前處理後添加穩定化藥劑可 有效削減大量鉛、銅、鎘等重金屬,物理性質方面則具有優良之剪力強度,適合作為道 路基底層、填築材料、拌製低強度混凝土等用途;若以濕式前處理之焚化底碴,不僅能 削減重金屬,其中的氯離子、有機質等物質亦可併同削減,適合用於瀝青混凝土之摻配、低密度透水性混凝土的拌製等用途;而在營運策略上,則可透過水平整合或垂直整合的方式,與營造業或營建材料業等,進行策略聯盟或予以併購,以有效掌握再利用管道。


Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Bottom Ash has become one of the greenest constructing materials and stable sources. It is also been proven by studies and practical methodology verified by experiment that the chemical properties of Incineration Bottom Ash (IBA) and the cement are similar. They both contain silicon dioxide, calcium oxide composition, and with the property of cementation. If IBA is treated appropriately or be reproduced properly, it can be used on construction projects. Therefore, by using the IBA will be a win-win public policy because it will only to achieve carbon reduction, to make the environment sustainable, but also to cycle the resources and generate waste heat. Besides, it provides a new material and an option for an Eco friendly construction and reduces the environmental impact of mining. In this thesis statement conveys that besides the current Incinerator Bottom Ash (IBA) handling technology, the further proper procedures which is including screening, crushing, magnetic separation; and other processing techniques such as pre-treatment process, buried, curing, washing, stabilizing after sintering, melting, can make sub-ballast harmless for reuse. The following two technologies for the treatment of Incineration Bottom Ash (IBA) are used worldwide. Firstly, the IBA pre-dry process, adding stabilizing agents before it is proceeded. In this way it can effectively reduce lots of lead, copper, cadmium and other heavy metals and with excellent physical properties of shear strength, which is suitable for road basal layer, filling materials, low strength concrete mixing and other purposes. Secondly, the IBA pre-wet process will not only cut the heavy metals, chloride ions, but also the organic substances. It is appropriate for mixing with asp halt concrete, permeable concrete and low density concrete mix for other usage. The only drawback is that after the IBA pre-wet process will produce amount of wastewater and it requires being deal with.


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3. 行政院環境保護署:焚化廠營運管理資訊系統。2013 年06 月20 日,取自
4. 行政院環境保護署,「垃圾全分類零廢棄群組行動計畫」,2004。
5. 行政院環境保護署,「100 年度資源回收再利用年報」,2011。


