  • 學位論文


Establishment of Competency Model for Construction Quality controller

指導教授 : 姚乃嘉 鄭晉昌


國內營建業素有經濟火車頭之稱,且與國家經濟發展及人民生活是息息相關的,尤其是營建工程品質的好壞,更是直接影響國家經濟推動的速度,民眾生命財產的安全與生活環境品質的良劣,故營建業為我國重要產業,而工程品管人員則是上述重要的執行者之ㄧ。近年來國內營造業不但面臨經濟不景氣之威脅,更得面臨來自國際營造業之全球競爭,故如何提昇國內營造業品管人員之素質實有加以研究之必要。 本研究先根據文獻探討,彙整之前研究者對品管人員之相關論文,再利用問卷調查做驗證,歸納出八項營造業品管人員所需具備之職能,包含:工作管理、計畫組織、品質導向、持續改善、追求卓越、認真負責、分析思考、執行力等。 在重要性的排序方面,「品質導向」、「分析思考」與「持續改善」為專家認定最重要之三項職能。 本研究所建立之營造業品管人員職能模型與「專業職能量表」可用於營造業招募徵選、輔導安置、教育訓練、輪動與升遷…等相關人力資源管理上之依據,藉此提昇品管人員素質,增進企業整體競爭力。


The domestic construction industry has been recognized as the lead of economy in Taiwan, which is directly linked to the national economic development and daily life. The construction quality has massive effects on the efficiency of the national economy, life safety, and the quality of the living environment. Therefore, the construction industry is considered as a significant industry in Taiwan. Moreover, quality controller are one of the important performers in the construction industry. In the past few years, the construction industry has been influenced by not only the recent economic downturn, but also the forceful global construction industry competition in the whole world. Consequently, it is essential to explore methods to improve the domestic quality controller performance and to choose eligible quality controller in the construction industry in Taiwan. In this research, previous relevant quality control knowledge published by researchers is discussed in the literature review section. Next, the piloted questionnaire is used to verify the availability of the eight eligible quality controller competency, which are working hours, organization plan capability, quality control capability, improvement capability, pursuance excellence, responsible conscience, analyzing capability, and implementing capability. With attention to quality control capability, analyzing capability and improvement capability, the three functions are recognized as the major functions by researchers. In conclusion, the “Construction Quality Controller Competency Criteria” created in this study can be used for human resource management activities for the construction industry, such as recruitment, professional guidance, professional training, promotion …etc. Furthermore, the criteria can assist in enhancing construction quality control quality personnel and the overall construction enterprise competiveness in Taiwan.


1.中華民國建築學會「建築學報」第64 期,2008 年6 月,夏季號。
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