  • 學位論文


Implementation of the Autonomy of Public Works Construction Inspection Strategy

指導教授 : 林志棟 李建中


費根堡博士認為品質管制的演進是歷經品質是檢查、製造、設計、管理、習慣出來的五個階段。經本研究搜集工程施工查核小組相關資料加以統計分析,認為目前我們的品質管理也是已經達到「品質是習慣出來的」的境界;很多是屬於品質是習慣「造假」出來的,我們很多的品質管制連第一階段「品質是檢查出來的」都沒有達到。 廠商有按圖施工的義務,要確認廠商是否有按圖施工,必須透過檢查的機制予以確認。廠商或監造單位執行檢查時需要留下證據。經研究廠商執行自主檢查,發現了檢查標準與契約或監造計畫書規定不符、部分工項已施作完成卻仍未執行計畫書之表單、同一時間將不同檢查時間之項目檢查合格、將實地有缺失之檢查項目判定為合格、將實際檢查情形欄位未填寫任何值之項目判定為合格、未執行檢查即填寫實際檢查值並判定為合格、所檢查出之數值與實際執行檢查運作邏輯不符、在未填寫任何內容檢查表單蓋印章或簽名、未實際執行複核作業即簽名、蓋章…等30項缺失,未落實執行自主檢查之情形,可謂相當嚴重。 經由分析上開缺失發生原因,提出廢除一定金額以下自主檢查機制、開發施工檢查資訊系統、提昇監造、督導、查核技巧、加強工程倫理與道德教育…等11項建議改善措施,期望可以徹底落實施工過程相關檢查作業,以達到建立三級品管機制,提升公共工程品質之目的。


Dr. Feigenbaum is that after the evolution of quality control is to check the quality, manufacturing, design, management, habits out of the five stages. And the research team collected information construction to check the statistical analysis, that now we have reached the quality of management is "quality is out of habit, "the state; many are quality is used to "fake" out of many of our quality control Even the first phase of "quality is to check out"are not met. Manufacturers have the obligation according to the drawings, to confirm whether firms according to the drawings, must be confirmed by examining the mechanism. Vendor or the implementation of inspection supervision unit needs to leave evidence. The implementation of self-examination by the research firm, found that the inspection standards and supervision plan contract or does not comply, some workers have applied for items not yet completed the implementation plan of the form, at the same time check the time the project will not be the same inspection and approval, Lack of correlation of field inspection items are judged to be qualified, the situation will actually check the value of the field did not complete any items determined to be qualified, not running checks that the value of complete physical inspection and judged to be qualified, the value of checking out the check and the actual implementation of Operation of the logic does not match the contents of checks without completing any forms or signature stamp, not the actual implementation review officer shall review the operation signature, seal, etc. ... 30 missing, not self-examination of the situation to implement, can be quite serious. By analyzing the causes of the lack of open, to abolish a certain amount of the following self-checking mechanism, the development of information system construction inspection, improve supervision, supervision, checking skills, engineering ethics and moral education to strengthen ... of 11 recommendations to improve the measures, expected to fully implement Construction-related inspection work, in order to achieve the establishment of three quality control mechanism to upgrade the quality of public works purposes.




