  • 學位論文


A Scale Development of Organization’s Dynamic Capability and Performance Relatioship in Public Training Institutes

指導教授 : 李 誠


目前組織動態能力(Dynamic Capability)的概念廣泛運用於解釋組織面對不穩定環境而改變的組織能力,本研究目的是運用私部門組織有關組織動態能力的理論基礎及衡量構面,探討公部門訓練機構因應外部環境變動的動態能力,並發展一個屬於公部門訓練機構之組織動態能力量表;其次,希透過公部門訓練機構組織動態能力量表的建構,瞭解公部門訓練機構組織動態能力之現況及其與績效之關係,提供公部門訓練機構面對組織轉型或環境改變時,研擬因應策略之參考。 本研究重點有二:【研究一】為建構公部門訓練機構組織動態能力量表,研究樣本自44家公部門訓練機構分二次發送,第一次預試量表部分,蒐集14家公部門訓練機構,回收123份進行項目分析及探索性因素分析,第二次正式量表部分,蒐集另外的30家公部門訓練機構,回收250份進行多元常態性檢定及驗證性因素分析,同時檢驗量表收斂效度及區別效度;【研究二】為探討公部門訓練機構組織動態能力與績效之關係,並針對背景變項進行差異分析。 本研究發現顯示,公部門訓練機構組織動態能力與私部門組織並不相同,公部門訓練機構組織動態能力量表可由組織與人力資源、機關首長、環境覺察、過去經驗及實體資源等五個因素構面加以評量。此外,公部門訓練機構組織動態能力與訓練機構組織績效經實證分析具有正向關係。最後,本研究提出在管理實務及後續研究的建議意見。


Recently the concept of “Dynamic Capability” is extensively applied to organization’s ability to adjust itself in order to face dynamic environments. There are two purposes of this research. First purpose is to develop a dynamic capability scale of public training institutions from private organizations’ theoretical and empirical researches. The second purpose is to understand the dynamic capability in public training institutes in order to provide the possible strategies when facing organization and environment changing. There are two research focuses. Research one is to develop the scale of organization’s dynamic capability in public training institute. The research samples, 44 public training institutes, are divided into two categories. First category, 14 institutes and 123 questionnaires, proceeds item analysis and Exploratory Factor Analysis. Second category, 30 institutes and 250 questionnaires, proceeds multi-normality assessment and Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Research two is to explore the organization’s dynamic capability and performance in public training institutes when facing a dynamic environment. According to research findings, dynamic capability in public training institutes differs from private organization. Dynamic capability in public training institutes can evaluate from five dimensions including organizational and human resources, leaders in organizations, environment sensing, past experiences, and fiscal resources. In addition, the research findings show a positive association between the dynamic capability and the performance in public training institutes. Finally, this research provides practical implications, and future research suggestions.


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