  • 學位論文


The Effects of adopting Concept Mapping Strategies on College Students’ English Reading Comprehension and Metacognitive Awareness

指導教授 : 楊接期


過去已有研究證實概念構圖策略可以增進學習者的閱讀理解並提升學習者的後設認知覺察,然而大多數都是應用於社會科學或自然學科上,較少著墨於英語閱讀理解的研究上。為了增進學習者的閱讀理解及後設認知能力,本研究將概念構圖策略應用在英語文章閱讀過程中,目的旨在探討運用不同概念構圖策略,對不同閱讀程度學生在閱讀理解及後設認知成效的影響。 本研究以39位大學生為研究樣本,依其在TOEIC測驗得分,區分為高、低兩種閱讀能力學習者,並隨機分派至「繪製鷹架法概念構圖組」、「閱讀概念構圖組」,兩組實驗教學皆為兩週半,並將資料以二因子變異數分析,得到結果茲敘述如下: (1) 低能力學習者在繪製鷹架法概念構圖組,其閱讀理解成效顯著優於閱讀概念構圖組;高能力學習者,接受兩種不同形式的概念構圖策略,其英語閱讀理解成效上雖有提升但並無顯著差異。 (2) 在繪製鷹架法概念構圖組,對低能力與高能力的學習者其後設認知能力皆有提升並無顯著差異,接受閱讀概念構圖的學習者中,其後設認知能力皆有提升,進一步發現,高能力學習者的後設認知能力顯著優於低能力的學習者。 (3) 學習者對於科技接受度,包含系統有用性、系統易用性以及行為意圖表現上,皆給予正面的評價。整體而言,根據問卷調查結果,學習者認為此系統在操作上是容易使用的,且認為概念構圖策略對學習閱讀理解是有幫助的。


Many empirical studies have proven that concept mapping strategies can enhance students’reading comprehension and metacognitive awareness, and are applied mostly in social science or science subject; yet merely little researches on English reading comprehension. The purpose of this study aims to use concept mapping strategy on students’ English reading process, and to see the effects between adopting different concept mapping strategies and different English reading ability on students’reading comprehension and metacognitive awareness. Thirty-nine college students enrolled in the experiment were divided into high-level and low-level groups according to the TOEIC test, and assigned randomly to “construct scaffold concept map group”and“read concept map group”respectly. The experimental duration was two and a half weeks experimental program and a two-way ANOVA analysis was implemented. The findings of the study are as follows: (1) The result from the construct scaffold concept map group showed a better reading comprehension to the low-level students than from the read concept map group; the high-level students had no significant differences when received different concept mapping strategies. (2) Both of high-level and low-level students had improvement in metacognitive awareness ability when received construct scaffold concept map strategy; however, the result showed no significant difference. On the other hand, students who received read concept map strategy had improvement in metacognitive awareness ability; even more, high-level students showed better metacognitive awareness ability than the low-level students. (3) Generally, most students gave positive viewpoints toward perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and behavioral intention of different concept mapping strategies. As a whole, students thought the system was easy to operate, and considered the concept map strategy was beneficial to reading comprehension.


張春興(1988)。知之歷程與教之歷程:認知心理學的發展及其在教育上的運用。教育心理學報,21, 17-38。


