  • 學位論文


A Design of Business Model and Decision Making Simulation System: A Case of Study of the Inception System

指導教授 : 鄭漢鐔


經營模擬系統教學方法廣泛的應用於歐美各個商學院之中早已盛行好幾年。過去研究指出經營模擬系統的教學方法所能產生的學習效果是傳統教學法所無法獲得的。本研究的目的在於探討在商業管理相關課程中應用一套以商業模式為架構的經營管理模擬系統在知識、技能、及態度面是否能提升學習成效。   系統是由國立中央大學鄭漢鐔教授與林熙禎教授聯合指導的專題小組負責開發製作,它以一個全方位的商業模式作為系統設計的基本架構,結合電腦科技與網際網路等技術建構一個全新的經營模擬系統。系統完成測試後於中央大學管理學院研究所及EMBA課程中應用,並在一家大陸台商的高階主管培訓課程中使用。在課程中學生分組扮演企業高階主管的角色,在一個由七個競爭對手組成的市場中負責經營一家公司。   最後本研究運用問卷調查收集資料並分分析學生的學習成效。資料分析結果發現,本經營模擬系統對於使用者在知識、技能、及態度三個構面的學習成效確實達到正面的提升。另外,經營模擬系統設計上和學員之間的互動也都能得以快速提升學習者間自我學習成效。最後,本模擬系統的使用者介面還需要加強改進,本研究提出未來系統設計的改善建議。


The use of simulations as a pedagogical tool in management education has become popular across business school both in USA and in Europe. Previous studies have shown that the use of management simulation system in teaching could produce the learning effects which the traditional teaching method cannot provide. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of learning by using a management simulation system designed for the purpose of improving the cognitive, skills and the attitude of executive managers.   The simulation system was developed by a team of students under the instruction of professors Hann-Tarn Jeng and Shi-Jen Lin of National Central University. The system was designed based on the concept of business model. In order to test the learning effectiveness of the simulation system, the Inception System was conducted in graduate management-related classes, an EMBA class, and an executive training program of an industrial firm in Shanghai. For each simulation, the students were divided into groups and act as a top management team. Each team was responsible for running a manufacturing company in a market of 7 competitors.   After finishing 24 rounds of decision making simulation, we conducted a questionnaire survey to collect students’ learning data. The result of the qualitative and quantitative showed that the simulation system can help learners enhance their knowledge of business models, the capability of decision-making and strategy execution, and the teamwork experience. However, the system has some shortcomings in user interfaces. Finally, this research pointed out some directions for further study


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