  • 學位論文


Television programming production cost & human resource assignment optimization model

指導教授 : 顏上堯


在傳統電視節目專輯製作之人員指派上,不論是編制內(支薪)或是編制外(承攬),多憑經驗法則、專業口碑或人際關係做適當之調派,然在一定預算額度或案件量多且人力需求排列重複時,決策者的人力指派,決定適用正當與否,就成為重要之課題,若指派重複或閒置,不但產生不必要之浪費,延遲節目製作時效、增加節目製作成本及影響決策者(公司)之信譽,更是不容忽視且不容發生之重要課題。本研究係依電視節目專輯製作之人力指派為研究範圍,採以依各製作群需求進行指派的觀念,建構整數規劃模式。在實際之執行過程中可隨時依最新條件調整參數,重新規劃指派模式,以符合充分利用人力資源、節省成本的目的,以達最佳指派最小成本為目標;此外依據各參數變化趨勢進行方案分析及敏感度分析,藉此求得專輯節目需要人力成本之最小值,達成人力充分運用之目的。求解方法上,本研究將需要職務種類、人力編組、及製作集數等資料,輸入LINGO 8.0套裝軟體求解,即可得人力指派情形等結果。為驗證本模式合理性與實用性,以最佳化模式所求得之指派結果與一般人工經驗指派進行比較,以驗證本研究最佳化模式產生的指派結果,確實較人工經驗指派之時間來的快,且更節省成本。故本研究可靈活運用於先期排程規劃及人員編組增減檢討等規劃問題,幫助決策者精準規劃。亦可提供決策者在職務、人員、及製作集數變動下,有更靈活的決策判斷。


In the production of traditional television program, whether it’s internal staff or external contractor, the assignment of production personnel is mostly based on empirical method, word of mouth, or personal relationship. However, when faced with limited budget, multiple productions, and overlapping assignments, the personnel resource assignment by the decision maker becomes an essential factor in the overall production. When assignment of certain personnel overlapped or left unused, it might result in unnecessary waste, delay of production scheduling, increase of production cost and damaging the reputation of decision maker. The effect of such inefficiency in the production assignment shall not be ignored nor tolerated. The purpose of this research is to study the efficiency of personnel assignment of television program production process by creating integer programming models based on the requests of each production group. During actual production, the parameters of the function can be adjusted according to the changing environment and rearrange personnel assignment to take advantage of the available human resource and achieve cost saving goal, in order to reach optimal assignment with the target of minimal cost. In addition, according to the variation of each parameter in the function, plan analysis and sensitivity analysis are performed to obtain the minimal personnel cost, and to fully utilize the available human resource. In determining the solution of personnel assignment, the data of personnel type, arrangement of human resource, and number of episodes are input into LINGO 8.0. To validate the logicality and applicability of the function, the results of integer programming is then compared with the manual empirical assignment method. The comparison showed that the integer programming method provides more optimal result with shorter duration of production time with lower cost. Thus, this research can accurately assist decision maker in dealing with personnel scheduling and planning. Moreover, it can also assist decision maker in making adjustments to the personnel assignment with changing personnel responsibility, staffing, and number of episodes.


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